a bomb

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Adrianna drummed her pointer finger against her thigh, the beat of the light thudding against her jeans echoing in her ears but in no way calming her. She stood next to Scott in the forefront of the crowd, her eyes squinting in the harsh sunlight. She felt the nerves of everyone in the crowd, could hear their hammering heartbeats and their scared, whispering voices.

She carefully watched as Deputy Jordan Parrish, suited up in a brown vest over his uniform, gave an assuring nod to the Sherriff before stepping onto the abandoned yellow school bus. Despite him being the one going near the bomb and putting his life on the line, his heart rate was much steadier than than the rest of theirs. Maybe it was because of his experience in the Army, they say trauma teaches you a lot.

She focused on his steady heartbeat, somehow easily able to keep track of it amongst all the other nervous noise. She didn't listen to his young voice speaking to the kid that had the unfortunate fate of also being on that bus, but focused on that calm heartbeat and prayed it wouldn't stop.

It felt like Parrish was on the bus for hours. No one had moved an inch, the whispering had died down and replaced it was tense anticipation. But his heartbeat remained there, thumping in her ears, and that was a good sign.

The scratchy sound of the Sheriffs radio almost made her jump. She refocused her attentive hearing to Parrish's voice coming out of the small black box. "It's not a bomb sir, but there is something in the box."

Adrianna's eyebrows pulled together, her shoulders remaining tense although she was more than glad there was no bomb. She watched as Parrish's dark figure moved down the bus aisle and slammed something against the back window. She squinted further, leaning forwards slightly to see whatever the item was.

Her eyebrows furrowed further when she identified the object as the Sheriffs name plate that usually sat upon his desk at the station. She looked to Scott, finding similar confusion held in his eyes. There was no bomb here despite the clues that said it should be, so where was it? There was no possible way this was a harmless trick.

She couldn't help but lay accusing eyes upon Stiles, whom she was unsure on how to feel. Just because he wasn't actively trying to maim people right now, doesn't mean he won't turn any second. His emotions remained closed off to her, simply radiating that coldness she felt in the hospital. She wasn't sure what it meant but it definitely wasn't good.

A curdling scream abruptly ripped out of her vocal cords, her body lunging forwards and her back arching. Her face scrunched up in pain as blood began to seep through her shirt on nearly every inch of her back. Her body instantly began to shake, black spots revealing themselves in the corner of her eyes.

Scott barely caught her, his voice consumed with concern and confusion. "Adrianna?" His grip tightened  as he attempted to push through the crowd that now had all eyes on her blood filled back. His eyes drifted to the metallic scent and they slightly widened at the ferocity of the crimson liquid. Instead of asking what he usually would, something clicked within his mind. "Adrianna, who is it? Who's hurt?"
He feared the worst, that it was Allison. She wouldn't survive this sort of injury if it was.

Adrianna continued to gasp and grunt. Every move she made felt like glass stabbing into her back, penetrating her skin with its pointy tips. She tried to focus on that warm feeling in her chest, the tingling that told her who's pain she was receiving.

"Derek. It's Derek." She muttered out.

Through the burning, she slightly raised her head to the Sheriff whom was sprinting to his truck. Her eyebrows furrowed, a violent tremble running through her muscles. Her throat itched and burned, her chest tightening. Her mouth opened and blood bubbles up from her throat in a violent cough.

She gasped, gripped Scott tighter and attempting to bring his head down to her level.

"What is it?" Scott whispered softly.

"The bomb—" A violent cough. "It's at—" And another. "Sheriff's station! It's at the station!"


"Get me an ambulance here, at the Sherriff's station! We've got an explosion. We have multiple officers down. Multiple officers down! We need an ambulance A.S.A.P. On the double!" An officer was yelling out, it could have been the Sherriff himself, or one of the survivors.

Adrianna could barely move, her eyes rotating over the horrific scene. The power had gone out, once again, but the moonlight provided plenty of light to see the bodies and blood. Stilinski's office was completely destroyed, as were the windows and a few of the closer desks. Glass, wood, metal and everything else you could think of littered the ground. The space felt much too crowded, officers running everywhere, tending to the wounded and figuring out who was dead.

"Derek. Derek."

Adrianna snapped her head to the right at the sound of her Uncles voice. His back was to heras he appeared to be helping Derek stand up. She rushed over to them, wincing slightly at the movement of her back that still reflected some of Derek's injury.  "Are you guys okay?" She asked as she grabbed Derek's other side to stop him from falling.

"We're fine." Derek muttered yet continued to wince and puff out breaths of hot air.

"Liar." Adrianna muttered, helping Chris sit him down on a partially destroyed bench. She turned to Chris, her eyes running over his body in concern. "Are you hurt too?"

"No." Chris looked to Derek, "You saved my life."

Adrianna's eyebrows shot up, glancing to Derek then back to Chris. "That was lucky then." She moved to the other side of Derek, her eyes tracing over the numerous amount of glass stabbing into his back. She scrunched her nose up a little and inhaled stiffly.
"I have to get this glass out of you or you're healing won't kick in."

"And how exactly are you gonna do that? One by one?" Derek's seethed, leaning forwards slightly as another jolt of pain ran through him. His fists clenched the bench, cracking the wood.

Adrianna shook her head, "Help me get him up. We need privacy."

Chris nodded and grabbed his left arm as Adrianna grabbed his right. They slowly pulled him to his feet despite his hisses, and draped his arms across their own shoulders.
Carefully the trio trudged through the destruction of the station; past dead or injured officers, flipped desks, fallen lights and more shattered glass.

Their skin instantly became cold and soaked as they exited into the pouring rain. Derek grunted, arching his back at the water stung his wounds. His eyes were completely closed now and his face becoming paler every second.
Adrianna looked around extremely carefully, squinting her eyes against the rain and wind. The commotion from indoors was getting louder and sirens crept into her hearing range. It was now or never.
She grabbed Chris wrist, "You might want to close your eyes."

Before either of them could utter a word, she teleported them all out of the rain.

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