the creature

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The rain seemed to momentarily lighten, leaving space for more visibility of the creature across the way from Adrianna. Through the flickering glow of the lamp, a slender, almost shadow like figure became revealed. The creature with white eyes had porcelain hair that barely graced her shoulders, her skin almost as pale as her eyes with plump pink lips that contrasted this all. She wore a tight black leather body suit, masking her body completely in black, with a thin diamond belt wrapped tightly around her petite waist. The edges of her figure and arms seemed to have a black smoke whisking off it.

Adrianna rounded her shoulders in an attempt to make her stance appear confident, yet the hairs on her neck that remained upright and the sweat breaking out across her skin couldn't deny the fear that drilled through her blood. She glanced around the dark street, her eyes tracing over the various shadows of trees and other buildings that became magnificently highlighted in the brief flashes of lightening.
She looked back to the creature and spoke in a soft yet shaky voice, "I'm surprised it took you this long to show your face."

"We've been watching, waiting." The creature replied in a chillingly low voice that almost sounded like an echo.

"Waiting?" It took everything in her power to not stutter. The sheer view of this thing from her past filled her with horrors.

"You're not as smart as you used to be."

At that moment, the shrill echo of squeaky shoes and the slight rattle of glass doors interrupted the tense glaring.
Adrianna turned her head to see Derek and Chris frozen just beyond the translucent material. Their eyes were wide with confusion and pure shock as they looked between Adrianna and the creature barely visible under the ever flickering lamp. She remembered suddenly where she was supposed to be, who she was supposed to be helping. Her friends needed her.
She looked back to the creature with anger sizzling in the depths of her blood, her eyebrows furrowing together as she came to the realisation of what she had meant.

"You were waiting for a time I would be most needed."  She muttered, yet the creature heard her.

The creature abruptly smiled, her pale lips revealing sparkling white teeth that were as sharp as a wolves. Her white eyes remained locked with Adrianna's almost glowing emerald orbs, conveying a superiority and power that drew the fear and submission out of Adrianna.

"Have you brought an army here to drag me back?" Adrianna wondered, shivers arising goosebumps along her arms.

"Oh they're here to do much worse."

An odd feeling struck her and guilt flushed her cheeks. She had brought these creatures here, who would do much worse than the nogistune they currently face.
She had now shrouded her darkness over them which they didn't deserve.
Adrianna's slender fingers recoiled into tight fists, her eyebrows contracting deep and her lips pressing together firmly.
"You can't hurt them."


"I won't let you hurt them."

The creature laughed and the sound that ricocheted through the darkness was like a thousand children laughed with her.
"You could prevent that."

For a moment, a dreaded flash crossed her mind of dark, dirty caverns with only dull yellow lanterns to illuminate the cold walls. She could feel the evil that radiated from the memory, the darkness that attempted to creep into her skin and overtake her heart. She could almost hear the clash of metal on metal, the roar of malevolent cheers.
"Never will I go back." Her voice shook as she spoke.

"Then this town will burn."

In a flicker of movement, the silver of a long, sharp dagger flickered in the lightening as it sliced through the cold air. Adrianna instantly teleported behind the creature, her soaking figure barely illuminated by the yellow glow of the lamp. She reared her foot back and slammed it into the créatures lower back. It stumbled forwards a step but was quick to turn and right hook Adrianna.
They became entranced in a battle of haste punches and sly ducks, neither party gaining the upper hand.

The chilling rain continued to pound in her ears and fall across her skin, it made the pavement slippery and the sky appear pitch black.
Adrianna bent back to avoid a sharp punch to her cheek and in doing so, slipped slightly upon the ground. The creature took the opportunity and slammed its foot into her sternum. She gasped, her lungs suddenly unable to breath as she flew through the air and her back harshly collided with the metal door of a nearby car. An explosion of simultaneous sharpness and bluntness littered her back and triceps. Her head buzzed loudly. She coughed and spat up a portion of crimson blood. Her viens fizzled with anger, both at the creature before her and herself. She forced her back to straighten and for her hands to leave the safety of the cold pavement.

"And I thought you were supposed to be stronger." The creature taunted.

A low growl rumbled in her throat; a reflection of that fizzling, thick anger slowing beginning to blind her. She wanted, so badly, to let it take over, to allow her claws to tear and shred through skin and bone, for blood to stain her skin and mix with the rain flowing in the street.
But the creature held all the power over her. It held the fear and darkness and horrors within its grasp and threatened to let these fears become reality. She was bound by the goosebumps along her skin that arose at the mere thought of being trapped with that creature and the many others that followed it. She couldn't go back to the South, that place so close to Lucifers Hell, it may as well be it.

Adrianna washed the thoughts away as her hand brushed across her forehead, somehow soaked in sweat despite the chilling wind and rain. She pulled the energy from the pain in her body and channelled it towards the creature. As she gathered her aching muscles and seemingly fragile bones off her knees, she teleported mid stand-up and slammed her bloody fist into its jaw. The creature stumbled back. Adrianna didn't waste the opportunity and continued to pummel its face with strong punches. The creature barely managed to block them.

Adrianna half spun and without realising clawed at the creatures chest. Four gaping streaks tore through the black leather and skin on its chest, but crimson blood didn't fall.
Adrianna looked to her hand, unable to mask the pure surprise at the appearance of the wolf she so despised inside of her.

The creature used the distraction to crouch and swing her leg out. Adrianna tripped and fell. Her head smacked against the wet pavement. A sharp pulsing echoed around her skull. Her ears emanated a high pitched ringing. Her face scrunched up as a groan fell from her lips.

A sharp, prolonged, agonising pain suddenly exploded within every fibre of Adrianna's being. Her vision became completely black, yet it seemed like a hot white light was beaming right upon her eyes. Her muscles spasmed and twitched, almost all sensation of touch completely dissipating. Through the raucous buzzing crowding her hearing, she swore she heard someone scream. A scream so bloodcurdling it brought back memories she wished it wouldn't. The darkness relieved her quickly from the agony.





( edited )
sorry i'm taking so long to update, exams n everythin. thank you all so much for supporting this series!


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