rising concerns

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"Right at her head?" Adrianna questioned, walking over to the dining table and placing a hot cup of coffee in front of Isaac.

"Almost right through it. And she kept saying the same thing, that she keeps seeing her Aunt." Isaac added with concern and slight confusion in his tone.

Adrianna drew her eyebrows together and sat down across from him, "Her aunt?"

Isaac nodded, "Yeah, the one that Peter killed."

Adrianna looked down then slowly nodded. Aunt Kate. She was the one who burnt the Hale house down, she killed nearly all of Dereks family, she hated Kate. "Oh, that one."

"Whatever is happening to them is getting worse. I mean, if I hadn't been there then Lydia would be dead." Isaac pointed out in a blunt tone.

Adrianna sighed and rubbed her temples. "I know." Her eyes focused on a dark circle burned into the light wood of the table. "Scott lost control today, at school, in the middle of the corridor. He's scared of himself and that balance he holds. And Stiles says he is having nightmares that he can't wake up from, dreams where he has to literally scream himself awake." She shook her head slightly, loosing the gaze she could blissfully stay in. "I don't know what to do."

Isaac sighed and grabbed her hands across the table. He wrapped them up in his and squeezed them slightly. "I don't know either."

Adrianna's eyes rose to his, her eyebrows furrowed. She should be calm, relaxed even, with this beautiful boy here. She should be happy that everything is over and that she is safe in this home with him.
But she wasn't. She felt like electricity was running through her, making her jittery and anxious. She felt like the other shoe hadn't dropped yet because nothing has ever been this good in her life before.

Adrianna stood up and walked over to Isaac, sitting in his lips and wrapping her arms around his neck. "We can't ignore this, whatever's happening to them."

Isaac moved his face closer to hers, their lips hovering over each other's and their eyes unable to leave them. "I know."

"And we have to fix it."

"I know."

"We have to help them."

Isaac cupped her cheek with his hand, "I know." He brought her lips against his and relished in the way her mouth instantly opened at his touch.

Adrianna tangled her hands in his hair and flushed herself against his chest and groin. She felt his warmth and electricity and she only craved more. She craved to be closer, to touch his skin and melt his heart the way he does hers.

Isaac stood up from the seat with Adrianna wrapped around his torso. He placed his hands in her ass. He didn't break the kiss, not once, he only deepened it.


She weaved through the endless trees that reached to the skies, her feet moving quickly along the forest floor piled with fallen leaves. Her eyes searched through the darkness, using only the moonlight as light. She was frantic, her eyes snapping from tree to tree, her movements nearly rushed.
Her body suddenly stilled, her hand flying out to the trunk of a tree to balance herself. She heard something, or at least she thought she did. A snap of a stick or the rustle of crunchy leaves. Whatever it was, it was loud.
She moved around in a slow circle, her eyes trying to pick out the shape of an animal or a person.
She heard it again, a snap. Behind or in front of her. It was everywhere. All around her. She could feel it, like a person hovering over her. She jerked her body to looked behind her. Then in front. She couldn't see anything, she couldn't hear anything. But she could feel it. She felt like if she reached her hand out she would touch it. She stepped back. And something grabbed her.

We Come From The South » Isaac Lahey [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now