unknown presence

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Adrianna's body froze in it's spot, her hands clenching around Ethan's waist and his wrist where she supported his arm, the tide of emotions flowing through her threatened to crack her wall. Her eyes ignored the shocked looks of Scott and Kira on the other side of the room, purely focused on Derek whom stood in front of a broken table. He looked better, taller and stronger, his eyes remaining cold and firm, he hadn't noticed her yet.

"Guys, they're all looking at me." Aiden spoke, confusion trilling his tone, with a hint of fear.

Adrianna forced her eyes away from Derek, redirected the anger that began to boil, and noticed what everyone had been looking at. 3 men, or something bearing a human silhouette, stood facing Aiden, their bodies coated in black coats, and black boots and sleeves, no skin revealed at all, if there were any, and their faces; nothing but a silver mask with carved lines to make a grotesque expression and empty eyes, much like the horrid red face that Allison and her discovered in the pages of the Bestiary a few weeks ago. Black smoke drifted of these soldiers, as if they were nothing but shadow.

As if Aiden's voice was a command, each black soldier took a step towards him in unison, their feet thumping against the floor at the same time.

"Why are they all looking at me?" Aiden's eyes skipped from each silver masked soldier, the fear of this unknown presence rising in him.

Again, they all stepped forwards, as if oblivious to his question or anyone else in the room, as if unaware that they pose a threat to a group of werewolves. They stepped forwards again, almost quicker than the previous step.

"Guys?" Aiden almost pleaded.

Adrianna moved her eyes between the creatures, attempting to probe at their emotions, except there was nothing there, not even a wall keeping her out. They weren't human, and that posed an even greater threat.

Abruptly, Scott and Derek leapt into action, charging at the creatures with fangs and claws beared. Yet it was as if these silver masked creatures anticipated this, as if they had seen the outcome of their presence. They easily deflected the incoming punches and kicks from both wolves, swerving with much ease away from their offence, and the black smoke followed each of their movements, as if healing each blow they so easily took.

Scott and Derek fought these creatures weakly, any hits that were not deflected made no damage upon them, and nothing drew them back. They were trained, and quite skilled.

A searing, sharp pain suddenly radiated across Adrianna's spine, causing her eyes to widen slightly, her teeth to grind together and her body to stumble a step forwards. She let out a hiss, her eyes moving to Derek whom lay face down on the floor, and confusion bubbled through her. Why had she been disconnected from him, from his pain and emotions when he had disappeared, yet it suddenly comes back without her even uttering a word to him. Her anger at him began to rise again, and she did not stifle it.

Another pain hit her shoulder blade only moments later, forcing another groan to escape, yet she was familiar with this one, Scott's pain. She looked to his body, face up, on the floor only a few metres from Derek. She found the pain hit her more harshly than they used to, yet faded much quicker, as if they weren't ever there. Werewolf healing.

Isaac dropped Ethan's arm, causing him to lean more heavily on Adrianna, as he noticed his two friends defeated by these creatures. He moved towards the closest one, his claws flicking out on his hands, his eyes determined to better them.

The silver-masked soldier spun around, somehow aware to Isaacs presence behind him. It took only a moment to survey Isaac before it reached into it's chest and pulled out a perfectly conditioned katana. He hastily moved it around his body, it's blade awfully close to Isaac, with the black smoke following such haste and threatening movements.

Isaac's claws disappeared, his body almost cowering into himself, as he stepped back and lowered his eyes slightly, a subconscious submission. He knew he could not attempt to fight them.

Adrianna wrapped her arm tighter around Ethan's waist, allowing him to lean on her more, which he gratefully did, muttering something of a thankyou.

The black soldier turned back to Aiden, their focus once again on him and continuously uninterrupted.

"Someone do something!" Allison begged, wishing she had the strength to be that person.

Two of the silver-masked soldiers grabbed each of Aidens arms, holding him in place, not that it was needed as his fear kept him perfectly still. The third one stepped close to him, less than an arms length apart, and placed one gloved hand on the right side of his head, it's hand covering his ear. Aiden's face became slack, his eyes completely blank but entirely focused on the silver mask in front of him, his body involuntarily leaned forwards, as if all the muscles in him stopped working, the only thing keeping him upright was most likely the arms of the other two masked soldiers.
The staring contest lasted only a minute or two, but the quietness around them, the stillness of the atmosphere, made it feel as if it dragged on for much longer.

The masked soldier removed his hand from Aiden's head, a hiss, that sounded similar to something hot touching water, echoed from it's touch. Aiden slumped to the ground.

The black soldiers regarded him for a moment, before the one that was in front of Aiden turned towards Scott, whom instantly backed up and was on his feet. He's fangs grew, his eyes glowing their Alpha red, his body protectively moving in front of Kira, and a series of growls escaping his lips.

The other two that held Aiden's arms turned to Adrianna and Ethan, although their bodies angled slightly more towards her than him. Adrianna's grip around Ethan tightened, almost to the point of pain, her face become hard and protective. Her eyes glowed, a magnificent shade of purple, but a sign of offense.

Then, as abruptly as the tension came, it began to fade as a light appeared through the large window overlooking the outside world. The silver-masked soldiers tilted their heads to this presence of light, as did the rest of them. The yellow blur of the sun could be seen rising in the distance, casting warm sunshine onto them all. The 3 soldiers began to fade, much like a shadow, until they were gone.

Ethan tapped Adrianna lightly, in signal to loosen her grip, and ran over to his brother, whom lay on the floor, shaking as he once were.

Adrianna glanced at Allison, then Isaac, then Scott, purposely avoiding Derek's eyes, for her anger was still deep with him.

They all stood shocked for a few minutes, attempting to comprehend what just happened, and how it was even possible for such thing to occur. And then what to do with this information.

"What the hell were those things?" Scott questioned, breaking the silence with the fear and confusion they all felt. Yet no one had an answer for him, for they were did not know themselves.

Isaac nodded to Adrianna, making sure she was okay, before he turned to Allison, his lips set into a firm line. "Your dads 24 hours are up."





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