a tsunami of emotions

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"This is everything non-lethal I could find." Allison gestured to the table that was layered with a large and thick rope, chains, zip ties, handcuffs, smoke bombs, tasers and other various items that would injure yet not kill.

Chris inhaled deeply as he glanced at the weapons, "Take all of it."

Stilinski's expression displayed one of concern, his eyebrows furrowed together. "What's the plan here?"

"Our best shot right now is for Derek to try and pick up Stiles scent at Eichen House. Especially if he went through something stressful there."

"Should all four of us be going to the same place?"

"Where else has Stiles been showing up?" Chris questioned.

Allison thought for a single moment, "The school, the hospital . . ."

"Wait, hold on." Adrianna spoke up, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Haven't we done this before? He disappeared, we began looking for him, then walked right into a trap . . ." She raised her eyes to Derek, "At the hospital."

Chris rolled his eyes ever so slightly, "He's getting us to repeat the same moves."

"So what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?" Allison questioned, her face scrunching up to display her hate for the idea.

"We can't. Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down." Derek responded.

"Scotts working on them right now, with Kira." Stilinski answered.

"I think that's our problem," Adrianna cut in, "We're all trying to outfox the fox." Her eyes met with Dereks, the positivity in her emerald orbs beginning to fade. It was like a wind had swept throughout the small study, breathing a sense of hopelessness into each of their lungs. How were they to trap the nogistune, without hurting Stiles himself, and stay 3 steps ahead of his conniving mind. It seemed an impossible mission.

"Listen," Stilinski spoke up, causing everyone's eyes to meet his. "I'll understand if anyone wants to back out."

Adrianna raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes meeting Dereks with a questioning look. They all expected her to back out, she realised, and she wouldn't lie by saying the thought wasn't racing through her mind at that moment. The nogistune had severely injured Isaac, she was being hunted by her past and attempting to control the raging new wolf inside of her; it would be acceptable to back out.

Derek grabbed one of the weapons from the table and began stuffing it into a black duffle bag, "I won't be the first wolf to run from a fox."

Chris shrugged lightly, "Apparently I'm carrying a lightsaber."

Stilinski looked to Adrianna, his dulled blue eyes silently begging her to help, yet at the same time, they showed understanding at her reluctance.
She inhaled deeply and grabbed one of the bags off the table, "Why not"

"Dad, you and Derek hit Eichen house. Sheriff, it's you, me and Adrianne at the hospital. We all meet at the school." Allison zipped up her duffel bag and handed it to Stilinski.


The hospital seemed to be completely void of Stiles. There was no trace of his scent, energy or familiar emotions floating in any dark corner of the distressed place. Adrianna rounded another white corner, her pace slowing as the energy of the search drained her. The halls were empty, the rooms were only occupied by the needful patients and the closets, for once, didn't contain hiding friends.

Adrianna pushed open the heavy grey staircase door, stepping into the humid room and looking up at the winding, cement stairs. Her mind could only race at the constant threats in her life at this time; Stiles was missing (again), the tribe were constantly looking for ways to threaten her and her friends lives and the nogistune wanted to burn the town with everyone in it.

She jumped a little as the door slammed shut behind her, leaving the silence to ring in her ears in the empty staircase. She exhaled deeply, rubbing her hands down her face in order to force some alertness into her system. She started up the stairs, two at a time, before she reached the next grey door that led to the floor she sensed Allison and Stilinski near.

As soon as she exited the stairwell, two things hit her: the overpowering hospital smell that seemed to dissipate whilst she was climbing the stairs, and a tsunami of fear and sadness. Her eyebrows pulled together, her bottom lip beginning to quiver slightly as her feet involuntarily made their way closer to these emotions.

She sensed Allison and Stilinski, somewhere in between the floors. They must be in the elevator. She paused a few meters down from the silver doors, a ringing intensifying in her ears. She squinted, titled her head in an attempt to hear more clearly.

"I don't know if Isaac is dying right now. . ." Allison's voice, tampered with held back tears. "If I made a mistake with Scott. I don't know what my dad is thinking, I don't know if we should trust Derek, I don't know how to save Adrianna, I don't know--I don't--" A few sobs echoed in Adrianna's ears. "I don't know anything." Her voice became muffled as the sobs took over.

Adrianna swiftly turned away from the elevator, her hand pressed so hard against the blue wall that her fingertips had turned white and hairline cracks began to indent the drywall. A lump rose in her chest, getting bigger as it found the path up to the base of her throat. Her eyes were focused on the white tiled floor, with specks of gray floating amongst it, yet her vision seemed to go blurry. She quietly gasped, attempting to calm her rapidly moving chest.

How long could they keep this up? This constant running and chasing, the constant fear and sadness. Her cousin, her once bright cousin, was succumbing to it already. Stiles had too, otherwise he wouldn't be so vulnerable to the takeover of the nogistune. Isaac was dying, in this very building, and the others. . .

Adrianna squeezed her eyes shut, letting her back slide down the wall and thump against the cold floor. She can't do this. She can't fight the Tribe, she can't save Stiles, she can't help Allison or Isaac. What good was she, with all these supposed mighty powers, if she couldn't help the ones she loved?


Her emerald orbs raised to meet soft brown ones full of concern. Allison knelt in front of her, her cold hand grasping her shoulder. Stilinski stood next to them, a similar expression laid out across his features.

"Are you alright?"

Adrianna inhaled deeply and shook her head slightly, "I just--" Her eyes darted around the otherwise empty hall. "I just saw Isaac." She knew no further explanation would be required. The two met eyes and sighed slightly, understanding her pain.

Adrianna shook Allison off her, gathering her pitiful self to her feet and rubbing her eyes. They didn't need to know the previous thoughts racing through her head. They didn't need to know how pathetic she was.

Stilinski's phone began buzzing, the sound seeming to be much louder than it actually was. The cousins frowned, their eyes going to the Sheriff as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

"What's that?" Allison question as she eyed the notification that had popped up.

"Someone's breaking into my house." The Sheriff began to press specific buttons on his phone. "After Stiles started sleep-walking, I had some security precautions put in. Sensors, camera's." A live video opened up on the small screen.

Adrianna stepped closer, her eyes squinting. "Is that his room?"

As the video became clearer, an image of Stiles perched on the edge of his bed lay before them. A small grin, not of the benevolent type, pulled the corner of his lips up as he slowly, menacingly waved at the camera.



( e d i t e d )

sorry I've been a bit MIA. a lot has happened, but I promise I will finish this book.


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