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Scott and Stiles looked to Adrianna then to the growling dog in the doorway, their eyes going wide and filling with panic.
Stiles hid the stuffed animal he was holding behind his jacket, as if it would indicate he wasn't going through it's owners belongings. "Hi puppy. Get ride of it."

"Me?" Scott whispered.

"Yes you. Glow your eyes at it, something, be the alpha."

"I can't." Scott seethed, disappointment and shame filling his tone. "I don't have control."


"Don't even try." Adrianna whisper-snapped back at him, her eyes not leaving the dogs.

Stiles was slowly shrinking into himself, his panic rising to consuming levels. "Okay, you're going to have to try something."

Scott glanced at Stiles with a murderous glare before looking to the dog. He had no idea how to handle this situation, just because he was a wolf it didn't mean he knew how to control dogs.
He held his hand out towards it in a defensive position and started to lower himself to the dogs level to show he meant no harm. "Nice doggy."

Adrianna and Stiles snapped their eyes to him and gave an incredulous look. That is his strategy? Playing the nice guy?

The dog suddenly erupted in loud barks that echoed throughout the whole house. The teenagers stilled, their eyes going wide as they looked down the hallway. Not good, not good.

"Apollo!" Mr. Tate yelled at his dog. "Apollo, shut up! Shut the hell up!"

The dogs barked abruptly ceased. He whimpered at them before turning and trotting back down the hall and to it's owner.

Scott looked to Stiles with a confused and astounded expression. What the hell just happened?

Stiles waved him off and went over to a shelf next to the dresser. "Here." He handed Scott a children's book. "Try that."

Scott looked at the book, then to Adrianna. He couldn't smell the girl, he could only smell the dog and he knew that's all Adrianna could smell as well. It was pointless.

"Anything?" Stiles questioned.

Scott shook his head slightly, lowering the book. "All I'm getting is that dog."

Stiles sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He had hoped they could find something to help his father out, he was so desperate to solve this case. He knew how important it was as well and that made him feel as if he were letting his dad down.
His eyes caught sight of a photograph sitting on the shelf, it was of the two Tate daughters at a young age, possibly not too soon before the accident. Stiles cocked his head to the side and took a photo of it. He didn't know why but he felt he needed to remember that photo, it just felt peculiar.


Adrianna jumped out of the back of Stiles jeep, advancing towards the awaiting Sherriff with Scott and Stiles. She didn't know how to break the news to him, to tell him that they had found nothing that could help him and he just wasted his time by putting hope in them.

"I'm sorry." Scott apologised as they approached. "I tried as hard as i could. If it wasn't so long ago, I might have been able to do it."

Stilinski looked down in disappointment, he had a feeling this wasn't going to work, he just really wanted it to. "It's okay. It was a long shot." He raised his head. "In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think i just ripped a wound open in that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what i was thinking."

Adrianna looked down, feeling his sadness overwhelm him and therefor her. She hated this, she hated feeling this defeated then receiving everyone else's feelings atop hers. It was one hell of a punishment.

"Thanks for trying alright?" Stilinski gave Adrianna's shoulder a squeeze and turned to open the door to his car. "See you at home."

Stiles gave his father a small wave, his lips pulled into a sad line. He hated seeing his dad this way, seeing him this sad.

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott questioned.

Stiles put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, "Yeah. I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now."

Adrianna frowned slightly, it's been 8 eight years since this case opened, why is he suddenly so invested in it now. "Why is it so important now?"

Stiles eyes hadn't left the direction Stilinski left in, his shoulders drooping even more. "He wants to be able to solve one more while he's still Sherriff."

Adrianna and Scott slowly looked at each other, their eyebrows pulling together in deep confusion. What did he mean by that? Was he getting fired or something?

"What do you mean still Sherriff?" Scott asked.

Stiles looked to him then to Adrianna, realisation soon crossing his face. Agent McCall hadn't told him, he hadn't told him that he was impeaching Stiles' father.


Adrianna lowered herself into a chair at the table, her bag dropping to the ground and her eyes closing over. Exhaustion couldn't even cover how she felt. She wanted to curl up with Isaac and just sleep.
But sleep was hard to come by. She couldn't rid her head of these nightmares, these memories of her past.
And the worst thing was that she couldn't tell anyone. Her friends, they all had so much on their plates right now, they didn't need her nightmares too. They couldn't even solve a simple case like the one from today.

Adrianna opened her eyes, it wasn't simple. The case wasn't simple. A whole family died in a car accident and a young girls body was dragged from the scene. At the time, this was the nicest family in Beacon Hills, it made no sense to why the body was missing. It just felt off. Adrianna felt the desperation and determination in the Sherriff, he was onto something, he had to be.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, breaking her from her deep thoughts. She pulled it out, a sense of relief crossing her as she read Scott's message;
Going to try and find Malia Tate's body tonight. Meet at reserve."





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