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"Allison!" Adrianna's frantic voice called into the tense apartment, filled with the darkness of nightfall. She felt numerous emotions the moment she had entered; confusion, alarm, fear and a strange sense of cold. She ran towards those feelings and the sound of fast beating hearts without waiting for a response.
She arrived in her cousins bedroom, her eyes frantically searching around. Chris and Allison knelt on the floor in front of a shaking Isaac whom was sitting against the bed. His body was almost curled into itself in fear whilst small tears slipped from his red eyes.

"What the hell happened?" Adrianna demanded, attempting to keep the anger and absolute concern from overwhelming her.

Both Chris and Allison looked to Isaac, worry dripping off them.
Allison raised her eyes back to Adrianna, "Isaac was attacked. He says there were 5 of them, these black men, all wearing masks."

Adrianna rushed to Isaac and knelt next to him. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it in as much reassurance as she could provide. Isaac turned his head to her, another tear slipping from his blue eyes. Adrianna felt her heart throb with pain for him as she wiped his tears away with her thumb.

"Security system wasn't triggered." Chris said, now standing in front of the closed and locked window.

"Then how did they get in?" Allison questioned.

"They didn't. It was like the came out of the shadows." Isaac answered, his eyes absently staring at the dark space ahead of him, his tone bordering numbness.

Adrianna and Allison looked at each other, quite confused on what any of this meant.

"What does this mean?" Adrianna looked to Chris.

His head was down, his eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. Adrianna felt his mounting caution and alarm, accompanied with a haunted feeling of deja vu.

"Dad?" Allison prompted.

He raised his head. "Um, I'm not sure." He walked back over to them. "Listen, the three of you, I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours."

Isaac sniffled, "From everyone?"

"Just 24 hours."

Adrianna rested her hand softly on Isaacs cheek, gently stroking his soft skin with her thumb whilst her other hand held his firmly. She was shaking, with anger and a fear she hadn't known she was capable of. "They could've killed him Chris,"

Chris looked down to his niece, "But they didn't. And I think there was a reason why." All three teenagers frowned. "I think they might've been after me." He stared at them for a moment longer before disappearing from the room, a haste with his leave.

Adrianna's head hurt from how much she was frowning, at how much confusion was overwhelming her. She let out a small breath and looked back to Isaac. He seemed frozen, staring at the same dark spot as before with his head leaning on Adrianna's hand. "I should get him back to mine."

Allison nodded and helped lift the still shaking Isaac from the ground.

Adrianna put her arm around his waist, supporting him although he was able to stand up fairly alright. She looked to her cousin, "Thankyou, for calling me."

Allison nodded once more, "Of course."

Adrianna held onto Isaacs wrist and teleported back to her apartment. It was as dark as Allison's place, the power still out from whatever Kira did at the substation earlier that night. She walked Isaac down the hall and into her bedroom, placing him on the bed. She walked over to the large trunk at the end of the bed and opened it, pulling out a few thick white candles. She placed them in various spots around the room and used a match to light them. It provided a little warmth and light to her room, but certainly not enough. She walked back over to Isaac and sat down next to him. His eyes were staring at the carpet, the shaking fading away as he got over the shock.

Adrianna brushed a piece of hair from his eyes, "Are you alright?"

Isaac raised his head, his eyes turning to meet hers. "I don't know."

Adrianna grabbed his hand and tugged him further up the bed. She gently wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her chest, his warmth and sweet scent effulging her. He instantly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling himself as close to her as possibly, and buried his face into her neck. She rested her cheek on the top of his head and blindly traced patterns on his back.

"What did they look like?"

Isaac hesitated, his voice shook as he spoke. "They wore black, like smoke, and had these . . . almost silver masks. I couldn't see their faces. But one of them, I saw their eyes, they were bright yellow, like a firefly. They came out of nowhere —I . . . ." Isaac broke off.

Adrianna kissed his head and tightened her grip around him. "You're safe now."


Adrianna slammed her locker shut, a little louder than necessary. She was tired and coffee deprived and in an awfully bad mood. She spent the entire night awake, fretting over what attacked Isaac and how she felt when she thought she'd lost him. Her insistent thoughts kept her awake until the sun peaked under her curtains.

She walked around the corner, stopping in time to see Scott entering through the front doors to the school. Stiles stood at his locker about halfway between them but that wasn't who Scott had his eyes on.
Kira stood only a few metres from Adrianna, her eyes locked on Scott. She turned and started walking away from him, to her locker a bit further down. Scott sped up, nearly running, in attempt to talk to her.

Adrianna started walking towards him whilst she twirled her pointer finger in a small circle in the air, out of sight from anyone. The purple mist appeared momentarily around her finger and Scotts feet before he tripped and stumbled straight into Stiles.

"What do you think you're doing?" Adrianna accused as she approached him.

"I need to talk to her." Scott insisted.

"No, you need to remember someone left a decoded message telling Barrow to kill her." Stiles responded.

"Which is why I need to talk to her."

"Nope. No way." Adrianna answered.

Stiles nodded his agreement, "Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction."

"What if she's like me?" Scott asked.

"That girl walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity. She's not like you." Stiles simply answered.

"I know you want to talk to her, but we've never seen anything like that before. I agree with Stiles." Adrianna added.

Scott gave a small nod and walked away, leaving a trail of annoyance and sadness behind him.

Adrianna sighed and looked to Stiles, "Do you really think she could be a threat?"

Stiles looked to the direction his best friend disappeared to, "I don't know. People can surprise you."

Adrianna nodded and bid him goodbye before walking off. She had her own plans for the day, ones that didn't include going to class.





( edited )

yes, i understand that this chapter and the one before are mixed up, the scene at the beginning of this chapter came before the one at the end of the last one, i will get around to fixing it.


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