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A loud, obnoxious ringing abruptly filled the school and spread all the way down to the basement, causing Adrianna to jump at least a few feet from the ground. She tore her eyes away from the decaying heart and up to the ceiling where the sound was originating from. A frown creased her forehead at the need for the alarm but she welcomed it anyway, happy to have a reason to escape from the horrific room.

She backed out slowly and turned, running off down the aisles of corridors she had entered. She ran up the stairs that descended down to the basement, slightly surprised she hadn't run into any of the others yet. As she reached the tip and broke into the sun-lit halls, piles of students were rushing out of classroom and down the corridors, attempting to escape the school. She glanced down at the small watch bound to her right wrist, it was 3:00 already. She slipped into the crowd exiting through the main doors, pushing past kids get outside.

The grounds were equally swarming with students, none too worried about the occasion of the fire alarm going off. She squinted around in the harsh sunlight for her friends, hoping they had emerged before her.
She spotted them over by the grassed lunch area where numerous tables resided. She ran over to them, catching the end of the conversation.

". . . . Not even a scent." Scott was saying.

Everyone looked at her as she approached, raising their eyebrows as they awaited her answer on what she hopefully had found. She gulped, her mind racing back to the horrible smell of that heart. Whether she should tell them of her true findings was questionable, it was nothing alarming to their current situation, but alarming in general. What disturbed her more, it seemed it was waiting for her to discover it, for surely if someone had found it before her, they would have known. She shook her head in the slightest action and focused her thoughts on the problem at hand.

They all deflated a little.

"It's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Stiles questioned.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Aiden wondered.

"I don't know." Lydia was in utter confusion, she had been so sure that Barrow was in the school, and that sound, the buzzing, it had to mean something. She was furious with herself, with these abilities she seemed to have, yet control over them was not in her reach.
She raised her eyes to them, attempting to convey her confusion and frustration. "I just--I don't know."


Adrianna flicked through a rather thick book containing many myths and legends of the ages, although obviously most of them were true, in case of her life. She'd flipped past vampires, wendigos, lucky rabbits, hellhounds, the list went on, yet none of them were relevant to her situation. But her situation was quite odd, so she doubted it would lay in the simplest of books.
She sighed, looking up to Allison whom had concentrated eyes on the many open windows on her fathers computer.

"I'm getting nowhere." Adrianna huffed, closing the book with a gentle snap. The sun had long fallen, the lamp in the room providing a comforting glow for them to work, also accompanying the subtle moonlight seeping in from under the closed blinds. She'd been at her cousins apartment since she left school, hoping to distract herself, yet was none the wiser for it.


Adrianna held up her hand, halting Allison in her speech. An odd thumping and rattling reached her newly acquired hearing, it ringing in her eyes for she had yet to adjust to the new senses.
The sound became loud enough for Allison to hear now and forced both girls to their feet. Adrianna's eyes were on the open door that led to the hallway, darkness enclosing the rest of the apartment.

The crackle of electricity and a pathetic yelps took place of the thumps, as well as the heavy collapse of a human body.

Adrianna smirked, looking to Allison who had already resumed her seat. She settled back down on the comforting chair and pulled the textbook back into her lap, opening to her previous page and resuming her heartless flipping, although she knee she would not find anything.

Isaac appeared in the doorway, resting both his arms on the wood on either side of him, his chest heaving with breaths. "Electrified the windows?"

"Adrianna did it yesterday." Allison vaguely answered, her eyes staring at the screen to conceal her amusement.

Isaac turned his glare on his girlfriend, his head falling to the side slightly. "Didn't want to say anything about it?"

Adrianna flipped another page over, feigning ignorance, "Nope." She had to bite the inside of her cheek in order to stop the wide grin spreading across her lips. It was amusing, there was no lie about that.

"Okay." Isaac breathed out, walking into the study. His heavy feet thudded on the wooden flooring as he made his way to behind Adrianna's chair, the sound vibrating her ears.

"What are you doing here?" Adrianna wondered, although whatever the reason was, she was happy to see him, to see those perfect eyes.

"I figured you could use an extra pair of eyes." Isaac answered, he glanced at the book she was reading which happened to be in French. He nodded to himself, instantly giving up on the prospect of helping Adrianna, and made his way to stand behind Allison.

"Can you read Latin?" Allison asked with a small huff of annoyance.

"No but, I can look at pictures." Isaac uselessly replied.

Adrianna looked up from her book, her eyebrows raised. Allison mirrored her amused expression and waved her hand at the computer, gesturing him to take a shot.

Adrianna got up from her seat, abandoning the book and went to stand on the other side of Allison, curious at what Isaac can procure.

Isaac looked down at the keyboard, having really no clue where to start. He clicked on the next window that Allison was about to look at.
A large image of a red masked face appeared, with wide yellow eyes, an open mouth with sharp canines  and a fat, punched in nose. The small black dots in the eyes seemed to be alive, and staring right at them in the furious state the masked face was set into.

Adrianna's jaw dropped, her eyes meeting the concerned and confused glances of Isaac and Allison. They all knew, somehow, that this is what they might be after and that it was dangerous, very dangerous.




( edited )

sorry im taking supa long to edit this book and it doesn't make too much sense right now. but, how are you liking it so far?


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