dereks return

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Adrianna stood in the sunshine on her balcony, letting the warmth of the day wash over her skin, and allowing her to focus on the nearly clear blue sky. She hadn't been able to subside her anger, she simply let it settle and attempted to avoid thinking of things that made it rise again. Yet it was becoming hard.

She decided not to attend school that day, assuming that's where Scott would be and he would be after Kira to warn her. Additionally, she didn't feel like being guarded as she did not doubt Scott was, whether he liked it or not.
She had calmed her anger at Isaac, although she had not forgotten it. She found it entirely ridiculous that she could not accompany him, and she saw no reason but pride and idiocy for this decision. She knew Allison only agreed because Chris had set it to be, after he, for once in his lifetime, agreed with a werewolf.

Yet her anger could not be held onto tightly, for she was too worried about them to keep it in. Understandably, this paranoid yakuza was human, but that said nothing about who may be protecting him. If he was aware of what happened that night so many years ago, of what he came across, than he would have, no doubt, spent a majority of his life researching it, and therefor clueing himself into the supernatural world. And that meant he posed a threat, however minor it may be.

Adrianna exhaled, leaning against the white railing, her eyebrows pulled tightly together. She hated this, sitting around, unable to do anything. Helplessness was something she actively avoided, for it let her thoughts wander.

And they continued to, yet avoiding the one subject she knew would make her more angry than controllable. She thought back a few days, to the haunted eyes that had appeared to her on two occasions, yet each time, was a different person. She was struck again with the thought of helplessness, as she did not know what this meant or what to do about it. She only hoped, with every single fibre of her being, that it did not mean she had been discovered. That they were purely here on a different mission, and didn't recognise her. Yet that possibility felt slim, and she had to prepare herself for what it could mean. That her past was going to catch up to her, and the inhabitants of the South would come for her.

A knocking reached her ears, a soft yet firm thudding upon her door. She straightened her back, and inhaled deeply, hoping it was not Scott here to lecture the same thing Isaac had attempted. She teleported to her door, not bothered to walk, and opened it.

Adrianna's body froze, her hand clutched tightly around the edge of the door, her other forming a tight fist until her skin became white. Her breath became stuck in her throat, along with any words or thoughts. Her eyes bore into warm, dark eyes, accompanied with thick black eyebrows and a light beard.

Derek Hale stood on the other side of the threshold, his arms limp at his sides, his lips parted slightly. For once, he was speechless. He had last seen her as a pale, lifeless body, with black blood oozing from a bite mark Deucalion had given her. And if he hadn't of destroyed his phone, he would have seen the numerous messages that she were alive and he would be at her side in an instant, and now he knew her anger would be great.


Adrianna was unsure on what to say, and couldn't find it in her to move. She had begun to believe him dead, for she no longer could feel his pain from any distance, and no one had contact with him or Peter since they left many months ago. She wanted to be angry with him, and she knew she was, for who knows how long he had been back, and he had not bothered to contact her, and if he were alive this entire time, why had he not then contacted her. She exhaled, her hands unclenched around the door and she let it fall limp to her side.

"Can we talk?" Dereks voice was softer than she had ever heard it, and almost vulnerable.

Adriannas lips set into a firm line, and she stepped to the side, forcing her eyes away from his whilst attempting to control her unbridled anger. She kept her limbs as still as possible and stared at the three-tiered metal shelf holding a few books, plants and pictures shelf on the opposite wall.

Derek nodded to himself, looked to the dark grey pavement and walked inside.

Adrianna let the door slam shut behind him, her hand raking down the door as she let it slip from her grasp. She glanced at the scratchy squeak the action made, her eyes widening in alarm at the four small claw marks left where her fingers had been. She looked to her left hand, flexing her long, sharp claws that expanded from her fingertips. One word: fuck!

She hastily shoved her hand into the large pocket of her, well Isaac's, chocolate brown hoodie and followed Derek into the living room. They both stayed standing, facing each other as if enemies with straight backs and stern faces. She crossed her arms over chest and half sat against the back of the light grey couch.

They remained in silence for a few moments, just staring. Adrianna analysed his face like it was her first time seeing it. His eyes had a few more miniature wrinkles settling around them, most likely more from worry than smiling, but still brewing a green forest. Dark, light purple bags rounded his under eyes, his once soft pink lip were dry, chapped and turning a dark red, and even his skin seemed a bit paler.

"You're alive." Derek finally spoke, his ears relishing in the constant thump of her heartbeat, and the soft inhale and exhale of her lungs.

"So are you." Adrianna quietly responded, her eyes downcast to her shoes.

Derek exhaled, "Adri—I—" He ground his teeth and simultaneously clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but at her. "I'm so sorry"

Adrianna's teeth ground together and she raised her dagger-like eyes to him. Her blood curdled and bubbled and her fingers clenched around her arms so hard she was sure it bruised. She felt an overwhelming urge to roar, to let all these powerful emotions run freely through her veins and erupt like a volcano. "You're sorry?" She scoffed. "It's been months Derek. Months. What the hell happened to you? You suddenly go running off with Peter. Peter of all people! Did you lose your mind!"

"You were dead." 

Adrianna forced herself off the table and uncrossed her arms. "If you'd bothered to check your phone you'd have seen all the messages from us. You ignored every single attempt we have exhausted to contact you! What the hell happened that was so goddamn important that you didn't even try to contact Scott! Things are going utterly crazy here, it feels like the world has turned upside down and we-we don't know what to do. And you weren't here! We needed you! I needed you! Why-Why didn't you try? Why--" She suddenly couldn't control the horrendous sobs that racked her body, her throat so sore from yelling that she held no defence against them. She felt the constant fall of warm, salty tears washing down her checks. They might have started earlier than she thought. Her throat felt enclosed, her lungs empty, her eyes stinging. 

Derek instantly strode over and pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his strong arms around her shaking shoulders. Her combed her hair and softly hushed her. He hated seeing her like this, even more so now because he knew it was his fault. He didn't much care for her anger towards him, he was just happy that she was actually alive. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

Adrianna tried to control her rapidly moving chest and loud sobs. She felt her hair sticking to her face. Derek's shirt was probably soaked. The urge to roar still settled in her chest, yet now she may prefer to scream. She wanted to hit Derek until her anger was quenched but also never wanted his arms to leave this position. 

She sucked in a deep breath and rubbed her eyes. She didn't want to know how horrid her face looked, smeared mascara and all. She hiccuped a few times, her breathing still fairly erratic. She slowly pulled back from Derek and raised her eyes to him. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologise." 

Adrianna brushed her hand through her hair in an attempt to comb back the loose strands that had stuck to her tears. Derek abruptly grabbed her hand before she could lower it, his eyebrows furrowed deeply as he stared at her claws. She pulled her hand from his grasp, stuffing it into her pocket. "Like I said, the world has turned upside down." 

"I see." 

Adrianna inhaled deeply and turned towards the kitchen. She approached one of the tall cabinets that rested above the stove top and opened it up. She turned back around with a bottle of whiskey. "You're going to need a drink for this one." 

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