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The sun seemed to waste no opportunity in beginning to settle behind the almost black horizon, and allowing the silver moon to take its place in the darkening blue sky. A cold breeze accompanied the arrival of the night, wafting through the trees and sending goosebumps along her skin.
Adrianna passed the kitchen, taking her place next to Derek whom stood almost perfectly still, his eyes focused on the changing weather.

"It's getting dark." Adrianna's softly stated, her eyebrows contracting in a worried frown. She had successfully avoided the thoughts regarding the whereabouts and safety of Isaac, her cousin and uncle. Yet she could not continue on that path, for she hadn't heard from them since they left that morning. Despite her not having felt any injuries sustained by either Isaac or Allison, her doubts still weeded their way through the cracks in her mind. Were they alright? What was consuming so much of their time?
She shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows further if possible. She must focus on the issue at hand, and that was surviving the night.

"Do you think they will come here?" Adrianna raised her eyes to Derek.

His lips were pulled tight, his thoughts running deep. He gave a firm nod, "If they have the opportunity, yes."

Adrianna inhaled deeply, moving her eyes back to the horizon. "What should we do?"

Derek remained silent, perhaps uncertain on what was the best approach to this situation. He knew, for certain, that these shadow ninjas or whatever would come for her, as they would also come for Scott. They didn't know why or how to fight them, they were helpless. Running would be stupidity, and impossible in such short time, and hiding would do them no better. Yet could these creatures be fought? What could penetrate their silver armour if their wolf claws barely left a scratch?
He let out an angry exhale, that same feeling of helplessness seemed to be circulating the air.

The yellow orb that was the sun finally slipped behind the horizon, casting the apartment into a soft darkness that only the light of the moon brightened.

Adrianna heard it first, it was almost like a growling of some predatory animal, low and throaty. The eerie sound seemed to echo off the walls of her apartment and bounce into her advanced hearing. Every muscle in her body stiffened, her back going as straight as a board. Her eyes raised to Derek's, her lips forming a hard line. These creatures were wasting no time in launching their attack.

Both Adrianna and Derek slowly turned around to see two black soldiers standing before them, the wispy smoke drifting off their bodies and blurring the edges of the clothes they wore. They stood on the offensive, but weren't holding weapons.

Adrianna was the first to move. She ran towards the one on the right, almost directly in front of her. She jumped into the air, using one leg to hop onto the wall and provide enough momentum to launch a kick at it's chest. It stumbled back slightly, but barely an inch.

Derek advanced towards the other creature, his claws extending from his nails, his fangs protruding from his gums. He threw the first punch, yet again, the effect was minimal.

Adrianna barely missed a rapid blow from the shadow creature. Her fist landed two rough punches to it's abdomen. It's fist came under her chin in a strong uppercut. She stumbled back, but did not hesitate to kick it's knee in and right-hook it's face. It blocked her next attack and punched her ribs, then kicked her square in the chest.

Adrianna fell back onto the carpeted floor, joined a moment later by Derek. Her face turned to meet his eyes that mirrored the same concern as hers. These creatures were stronger than they assumed.
Without waiting another second, she grabbed his arm and teleported them to the driveway of Scott's home.

Derek stumbled to the side upon landing, his body bending over and wheezing out what could have been vomit.

Adrianna's chest was rapidly moving up and down, her hands on her hips, her face flustered.

"A little warning might've been nice."

"If you didn't notice, we were in a bit of a hurry." Adrianna snapped. Her eyes suddenly flew up to the two-story home standing above them where the loud sounds of yells and pain could be heard.
Her eyes moved back down to Derek, panic surfacing in them.

Derek instantly straightened up, his claws once again extending from his nails, his heartbeat beginning to rise again in a rush of adrenaline. He began to move towards the front door, "I'll go in the front."

Adrianna nodded once, resolved to follow him.
Yet before more than two steps could be taken, the same throaty growling sounded behind them.
Adrianna spun around in time to see the two creatures that attacked them at her apartment standing before them.
"Oh." She glanced to Derek, giving him a signalled nod to continue inside through the front entrance. She looked back to the two creatures, "I see we're playing hide and seek."

She teleported to Scott's kitchen, in perfect time for another shadow ninja to swipe its black steel ninjato at her head. She ducked, yet could feel the hairs on her neck stand upright at how close it got to her skin.
As she rose back to her feet, she jumped back onto the kitchen counter, landing a rough kick at the same time to the ninja's chest, sending it stumbling back into the lounge room where Scott took over the brawl.

Barely a moment later, the wide window to her left shattered, the wind blowing the thin curtains amiss and the glass flying through the cold air. The twins landed on the dining table, raising their heads to growl at their prey. They gathered to their feet upon the wood and roared at a shadow ninja that was ready to attack Kira.

Adrianna returned her attention to the fight at hand, where two new shadow creatures appeared, assumingly the ones that originally attacked her. In a slight panic, she ran at the first one, round-house kicking its head and almost stumbling at the force of it. She grabbed the steel blade of the second creature that was aimed towards her ribs and her other fist slammed into the gruesome silver mask that guarded it's face, yet once again, the impact was not as she hoped.

The blade of the sword that was wrapped in her hand was abruptly pulled from her grasp, slicing along the soft skin of her palm. She yelled; looking to the bright red blood seeping from her hand. She didn't have time to watch the healing process begin before she had to side step a another sword strike.
She slammed her fist into the chest of the same creature, continuing over and over, forcing him to stumble back with her rage. She backhanded the other ninja before grabbing its sword arm and twisting it behind its back, slamming it into a shelf in the kitchen, in front of the counter.
Another shadow ninja ran towards her with unexpected speed and rammed her back into the kitchen counter. She groaned, folding her body over slightly. The ninja grabbed the front of her head and slammed the back of it onto the table , causing her vision to blur and skull to throb with an immense sharpness.
She dropped to the ground in order to avoid the next punch and gain some bearings. The ninja kicked her in the stomach which caused her body to flop back against the floor. Her body screamed in pain and breath struggled to make it to her lungs. An absurd amount of anger and pathetic was filled her heart and before the creature could kick her again, her tensed fist flew out, tingling and surrounded with purple energy. The creature froze as the same purple energy spread around him and before anyone could blink, he rapidly flew to the side and out of the same window the twins crashed into.

"Mum now! Do it now!" Scott suddenly yelled,
followed by the soft shatter of glass. The atmosphere instantly calm down.
Yet she was much too focused on her own blood pulsing in her ears so loudly, it sounded like drums. She looked down to her clawed hands that were shaking with fury. Her fingertips moved to lightly poke her stinging gums, where thick sharp fangs protruded from her gums.
She got up onto her hands, pushing her chest off the floor with a soft grunt. She hated herself ins impel terms. Just as she finally began to accept her abilities and who she was, as she realised her powers could be used for good instead of the evil she was raised as. This wolf side of her added a whole new monster.

She slowly got to her feet, experiencing some more energy pulse through her body as this newfound healing kicked in. A deep sigh left her lips, how were they supposed to fight these creatures off all night?

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