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Adrianna sat at the edge of the couch, her hands resting in her hair and her eyes focused on the darkness tapping at the window. She listened to the wind rocking the building with her newfound ability to hear basically any sound. She didn't listen to the sound of Isaacs beating heart in the kitchen or the sound of him messing around. She didn't pay attention to his feelings of hesitation or confusion or pity. She just focused on the wind and whiteness of the tiles.

"I should go."

The mess in the kitchen halted and Isaacs emotions seemed to still as if they were in shock as well. She heard him put a plate or a cup down, then heard his footsteps gravitate towards her. He sat down behind her and placed a gentle hand on her back. "What are you talking about?"

Adrianna rubbed her temples, closing her eyes over. "I need to go back home."

Isaac frowned and got off the couch. He knelt down in front of her. "What?"

Adrianna opened her eyes and met Isaac beautiful blue ones, "Just for a few days. I just--With Derek missing and Cora gone, I just need to be somewhere familiar."

Isaac scanned her eyes, his blue eyes scanned hers. He took in a deep breath and lightly pushed a strand of hair out of the way from her gorgeous eyes. "Okay. Text me when you're gonna be back."


Adrianna opened the front door to her home, or what at least used to be her home. Although the cool sea breeze and the calm sound of the waves crashing against the rocks sent familiarity through her, she knew she didn't belong here anymore. She wanted to stay, god, she wanted to never go back to that town that has turned her into whatever the hell she was. But she couldn't. Despite her better judgement, she couldn't leave her friends.

Adrianna walked down the hall and up the stairs to the main area only to be crushed suddenly by a warm human. She stumbled back but with her newfound strength, held steady. She smelt vanilla conditioner and a sweet perfume invade her nose. Marissa.

She pulled her friend away from her and met her hazel eyes.

"You're alive."

Adrianna frowned, then felt Marissa realisation then regret.

"They didn't tell you." Marissa nodded to herself and tried to study Adrianna's reaction.

"They didn't tell me what?" Adrianna questioned.

Marissa pulled her lips together, "How about a coffee?"

Adrianna slowly nodded and absently followed her friend into the kitchen. She didn't really know what to say or how to act. She's barely been around anyone but Isaac for the last two days since she woke. She just had to think about what she does before she does it, that's what Scott said to do at least.

Marissa manoeuvred her way around Adrianna's fairly large kitchen, easily knowing where everything was like she'd been living her for years. She slid a black mug over to Adrianna and leant on the other side of the counter. "So, how are you?" 

Adrianna took a sip of the black coffee to buy herself time. She didn't want to answer that question for she had no answer. She wasn't okay, she didn't know how to act around her own friends, and she was angry all the time.

Marissa slowly nodded, taking her silence as an answer.

"What didn't they tell me?" Adrianna asked.

Marissa fiddled with the handle of her mug, her eyes casting away from Adrianna's. "Why they waited so long to bury you."

Adrianna raised her eyebrows, no one had bothered to mention why they waited nearly a month to bury her if they thought she was dead. But she'd been rather distracted to bring it up.

Marissa sighed. "I got in contact with your cousin, uh Allison. I gave her some information I had found about the whole werewolf gene thing, they knew you were alive somehow so they waited until you woke. Which was much sooner than I or they expected, honestly i thought it would take years like the--"

The mug in Adrianna's hand suddenly shattered, the black liquid inside spilling across the grey counter top.

Marissa's eyes snapped to the mug and her rambling stopped. She pulled a towel from the oven and rounded the bench to clean up the mess.

Adrianna stared at the shattered glass. She didn't mean to break it, she just--it just happened. Marissa was talking like what she was is good, like she's some miracle or something. It angered her because she wasn't a miracle, what happened wasn't good and frankly, Adrianna's a little confused on how Marissa knows all this.

"I'm sorry." Marissa said although she was confused on what she was to be sorry about.

Adrianna took in a deep breath and clasped her hands together. She shouldn't be angry over this and the fact that she is makes her even more angry. It's a never ending cycle. "No, you shouldn't be. I don't know how to act, it's all new."

Marissa nodded and threw the towel in the sink, resigning to clean it up later. "I know. It's okay." 

Adrianna rose her eyes up but didn't meet Marissa's. "How do you know that?"

Marissa nodded, again more to herself. "I've known about . . . . you for a while. I come from a long line of researchers, who, in a way, look after supernatural creatures. I didn't tell you before because, well frankly, i didn't know how you would react. You've been quite a hard person to study."


Marissa's eyes widened ever so slightly. "I didn't mean it like that. You're just a hard person to read, you're very good at keeping things in the dark."

Adrianna nodded and started taking in deep breaths. She didn't need to get worked up over this, it's fine. She's fine. "How much do you know about me, exactly?"

Marissa wasn't really sure if she should say the truth but she may as well, there's no point in hiding it. "Everything."

Adrianna's eyebrows rose, "Everything?"

"Yes." Marissa was saddened to learn of Adrianna's past, then angry, but in a way it formed who she is. It made her this stone and whether the stone is good or bad, it was still a stone.

Adrianna slowly nodded. No one but Chris knew of her past but in a way, she was glad Marissa did. One less person she had to hide it from. She didn't mean to hide it from her friends but she didn't want to hell them of the monster she was, and more than that, she couldn't bring herself to speak of it, it hurts too much.

Marissa cleared her throat. "So, what're you doing back here?"

Adrianna let out an exhausted breath and looked around the kitchen of her old home. She had planned to come back but a few friends and a blue-eyed boy made her decide against it. So she'd called Marissa and told her to move in with her room mates and got the rest of her stuff shipped out.

"I came to see goodbye."

Marissa frowned, "Goodbye?"

"Not to you. To this house, this life. I want to stay but i know i have a new life now, for the 3rd time" Adrianna chuckled slightly at how crazy her life has been. She never got a childhood, she never knew her parents well enough, she never knew love until perhaps now.

Marissa nodded, understanding her and happy that her tone was slightly happy at the mention of her new friends. "Well, let's say goodbye then."





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