another trap

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Adrianna appeared in the middle of the reserve surrounded by nearly identical skinny oak trees. She spun in a circle, her bright eyes skimming over the autumn brown leaves littering the ground, the dark brown branches swaying in the small breeze and the clear blue sky. She failed to see anything out of place or possibly wrong with this almost serene scene.

Yet she could feel it and in more then one sense than she was accustomed to. She could smell the faint scent of sweating, hot humans and felt an immeasurable amount of stress lingering from . . . somewhere. She couldn't see Scott, but he was here, she knew it.

She tried to recall why a heap of sweaty people would be running through the woods.
Cross country. Of course! Coach would be hosting the annual cross country, which was mainly only for lacrosse players.

Confusion began to simmer at what exactly she was here for and what the supposed threat was, as well as annoyance at Scotts lack of explanation.

"Scott!" A male's voice sliced through the silence of the forest.

Adrianna spun in the direction of the noise, tuning her hearing for further voices.

"Stop, stop, stop! Everyone stop!"

She froze, her jaw grinding so tightly her teeth hurt and her fists clenching into small balls. It couldn't be.
Abruptly, she shot off towards the sound of the voice.

She halted to a stop moments later, her chest rapidly rising and falling with heavy breaths, sweat glistening on her forehead. Her eyes scanned the crowd of teenagers dressed in running clothes before swiftly moving to what held their attention.
Scott and Kira stood in front of the crowd, their confused eyes watching Stiles slowly pull a heavy metal chain from the leafy forest floor.

Stiles. Not evil, nogistune filled Stiles. But pale, awkward, sleep-deprived Stiles.

She felt frozen to the spot as she watched him continue to pull up the other side of the chain, linked to nothing. Her anger brewed and boiled like a dark storm, her thoughts clouded with blurry images of an injured Isaac. Yet she did nothing but remain completely still.

Coach began clapping as he moved from his spot near Stiles, the previous fascination falling from his face. "Congratulations Stilinski. You found a length of chain." His tone contained boredom and slight irritation. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?"

Adrianna barely noticed it, but as the sunshine poked through a gap in the thick, pale green leaves that clung to the trees, it revealed a thin, white wire attached to the base of two trees. The same wire Coach had just tripped.

"No Coach!" She yelled, her body jolting into action and frantically moving towards her friends instructor whilst an arrow flew from a hidden spot and hit him square in the abdomen.

The crowd of teenagers, including Scott, Stiles and Kira, whipped their heads to her at the sound of her warning voice in a moment of confusion.

"Oh crap."

They all looked back to Coach in time to see him fall to the ground, crimson blood seeping through his grey shirt.

Adrianna skidded to the floor and caught his head just as everyone else snapped from their surprise filled trances and moved towards them.

Stiles hands instantly moved to cover the space around the arrow in attempt to lessen the manic blood flow whilst Scott and Aiden went on either side of him.

Coach suddenly screamed, his entire body trembling, his face paling. "Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!"

Adrianna rolled her eyes as she attempted to non-magically keep his body still.

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