dreaded conversations

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Adrianna slouched into one of the light brown chairs behind the dining room table, letting her eyes close over and the sunshine pour over her skin. She had the option to go back to school with Scott, but thought better of it. Her anger was still simmering and her mind was exhausted.

Her thoughts found their way back to the incident at the hospital. One part of her was attempting to tell her it wasn't Stiles. As Scott had said, it was what was inside of him, the nogistune apparently. In her previous experience with such a creature, she knew it to be one of the most manipulating beings and can warp a persons mind and everyone around them. And she knew this is what it was doing to Stiles, it had to be.
But the other part of her, controlled by her rage at Isaacs potentially fatal injury, could only see Stiles's face and that cold feeling from when she hugged him at the hospital. It carried his face, his voice, it was Stiles. And he had hurt so many people with what gain?

She wanted to kill him, or at the bare minimum, hurt him as much as he had hurt Isaac. She wanted to release all her rage into violent punches that pounded his face in until he was no longer a threat. She would hurt her best friend for Isaac . . what was she becoming?

A heavy knock at the door interrupted her brooding and murderous thoughts. She snapped her eyes open, her eyebrows coming together in confusion at who could be here.
She heaved her body from the chair and quickly moved to the white door.

Chris stood on the other side, his eyebrows furrowed in worry, his expression void of anything but a cold seriousness.

"Is everything okay?" Adrianna questioned, unable to hide the concern that laced her tone.

"We need to talk." Chris's tone was solemn, as if he were delivering the news of someone's death.

Adrianna's eyebrows furrowed further, her previous anger simmering down and giving path to curiosity. She slowly nodded and stepped to the side, closing the door behind her uncle.
"What's this about Chris?"

He walked towards the dining room, his eyes vaguely wandering over the furniture and other random items before settling on the sunshine from the high window above the dining table. The heavy silence settled around them and only aided in making them both more nervous.

"How long has The Tribe been in town?" Chris finally asked, his tone blunt and angry.

Adrianna froze to the spot, her mouth falling open, her eyes widening in shock. Her entire body suddenly felt heavy and her mind dizzy. Her thoughts melted together like liquid and created a whirlpool of distorted memories and questions.

Chris slowly turned around after a moment of no response, his eyes landing on her almost still form.
He hadn't wanted to be so to-the-point about this topic for it was quite sensitive, but he had good reason.
He slowly revealed a gold-handled dagger with three black crystals in a line down the centre of the handle. He forced his tone to remain calm and patient as he spoke.
"This appeared on my desk last night."

Adrianna's eyes drifted to the dagger, her mouth closing and tightening into a hard line. She instantly recognised the blade, of course she would, it was hers. Her emerald eyes began to break from their shocked phase and morph into a swirl of anger and fear. Her fingertips trembled and stung, her throat closing in on itself.
She took a few slow steps towards Chris, her eyes trained on the beautiful, yet haunting weapon. Her fingers delicately plucked it from his hands and ran along the crystals. "How?"

Chris shook his head, "I don't know. The apartment was locked, including windows, no forced entry, nothing else askew."

Adrianna snapped her head up as a worrying thought protruded her mind. "Is Allison okay?"

Chris quickly nodded, his expression turning to one of assurance. "She wasn't there at the time." He inhaled deeply. "How long have they been here Adrianna?"

Adrianna slowly shook her head, her thumb running across the symbols and bumps carved into the handle. "I don't know." She moved around Chris and resumed her previous seat, dropping her head into one of her hands and closing her eyes.
"The signs that they'd found me began showing a few weeks ago, but I didn't—I—" She paused, taking in a deep breath. "I didn't think they'd be able to find me, not with the wards."

"A few weeks ago? Adrianna!" Chris scolded, "Why didn't you tell me straight away?"

"With everything going?" She murmured.

"Yes! This isn't something you just forget to say!"

Adrianna slammed her hand down, her icy stare penetrating Chris. "Oh yeah by the way, the people that killed my family and raised me to be a murderous monster have somehow broken through all my wards and are most likely to kill everyone we know."

Chris's lips formed a thin line. They stared at each other for a long moment, each refusing to give up their ground. The Argent stubbornness has forever been a memorable trait.

"You need to tell the others. Especially Scott and Allison."

Adrianna's shook her head, flopping roughly back against the chair. "No way."


She stood abruptly, her hand clenching over the dagger still residing in her palm. "Absolutely not. Stiles tricked us with a fatal disease that his own mother had before almost killing Isaac! I think they've got enough on their plates."

Chris raised his eyebrows in almost a challenging manner. "So what happens when they hurt you or one of them? How are they going to react when they find out you knew all along? This isn't your burden anymore."

Adrianna sighed and rolled her eyes. She found the framed photo of Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Allison, Lydia and herself resting on the light wood television cabinet. She couldn't let them hurt her friends. But how could she tell them with everything happening? How could they deal with this nogistune and her past?
Her anger began to rise again as she thought of her own stupidity. She shouldn't have let this happen. She should have left when she got bit, that was most likely what alerted them to her location. A power explosion like that would've been what drew them here, it must've been powerful enough to crack her protection.

Her phone began ringing loudly on the kitchen counter, vibrating along with the suddenly obnoxious tune.
Adrianna made the necessary two steps towards it and instantly picked it up, not bothering to check who demanded her attention.

"Adrianna." Scott's almost relieved voice breathed through the line. A wave of stress instantly hit her from him.

"What's wrong?" She could hear the sound of an engine in the background, he was in a car.

"I don't know yet. Can you just meet us at the reserve as soon as possible?"

She frowned, "Us?"

"Yeah. Just get here, please."

Adrianna glanced down to the dagger still in her hand. She probably shouldn't have been relieved at the excuse to delay that conversation, yet she more then welcomed it. "Of course."
She hung up and spun to face her uncle. "I have to go."

"Is everything okay?" Chris questioned.

"I don't know." She placed the dagger down on the counter. "We'll talk about this later."


"I promise."

Chris studied her for a moment before nodding his acceptance.

Adrianna pulled her lips into a tight line, already dreading that future conversation and teleported to the forestry reserve.

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