wild goose chase

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Stilinski leant against the deputy's desk, both hands shaking as they attempted to support his body weight. His breath came in quick, uneven patches through his teeth. His eyes went slightly hazy, his vision blurred, the words of the grave news about his son echoing in his ears.
He inhaled deeply, pressing his lips together. He straightened his back, slipping on his platonic Sheriffs mask. He looked to Scott, Adrianna and Isaac.
"If his Jeep is gone, that's where we start." He looked to his Deputy, "Parrish, let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ-5 Jeep." He looked to another officer who stood nearby. "Cordova, I want a list of any kind of industrial basement or sub-level of any building that he could've gotten into while he was sleepwalking." He glanced at everyone. "It's the coldest night of the year so far, so if he's out there barefoot in just a t-shirt, he could already be hypothermic. Let's move fast, let's think fast." He looked to the three teenagers, "You three, come with me."

Adrianna followed behind Scott as the Sheriff led them into his office.

He closed the door behind them and set his eyes on them with a serious expression. "Okay, is there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell everybody out there?"

"Lydia knew he was missing." Scott explained.

"Can she help find him?" Stilinski questioned.

"Well, she's working on it." Adrianna answered, wincing slightly at how unhelpful that piece of information was.

"Anything else?"

"I called Derek and Allison for help." Scott stated.

"Can you find him by scent?"

A knock on the door interrupted the next response. Parrish opened the door and leaned in. "We got it sir, we found the Jeep."


Adrianna parked her car across two spots in the almost empty hospital car park and practically flung herself out of the drivers seat. She ran to where Scott was hastily getting off his bike, Isaac following close behind.

The Sheriff jogged towards his sons car, hastily opening the drivers side door and turning the keys that had been left in the ignition.
He turned to face the the teenagers, letting out a stressed breath. "It's dead. He must have left the lights on."

"Why would he come here?" Scott questioned.

The Sheriff shook his head, looking up to the large hospital building. "Let's find out."

The sheriff and all the police officers began running towards the entrance, determined to search the hospital as quickly as possible.

Adrianna didn't follow them, her body remained perfectly still. That feeling from earlier, when she first felt something was wrong, it was surfacing, yet in a different aspect. She sensed something, something that was a mix of Stiles and . . . . not Stiles.
Her eyes wandered up to the roof of the hospital building, although she couldn't exactly see much of what was up there, she knew there was something, something that is connected to Stiles.

Without a thought, she teleported to the roof, leaving Scott and Isaac in a pit of confusion.

Her eyes instantly landed on Derek whom was already up there, his eyes holding their own grave yet curious expression.
He shook his head ever so slightly, but it was all the indication needed.

Their heads snapped to the roof door opening and Isaac and Scott running towards them.

"He's not here, not anymore." Derek answered without turning to face them, his eyes remaining on Adrianna.

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