an odd symbol

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The entire world faded away, moulding into a blur of glowing colours and dull, thumping music. Adrianna became entirely focused upon the boy in front of her, his scent of honey and mint, the warmth pouring out of his body, the electricity of his touch as his fingertips traced lightly over her waist, the ocean that swirled in his eyes and swallowed her.
She placed her arms around his neck, pulling his body towards her, wanting, or needing, to be closer. Her fingers absently mixed with his soft hair, twirling the soft, loose curls in small circles.
His hands tightened around her, his fingertips running meaningless patterns over her skin, followed by goosebumps of her own, and simultaneously pulling her towards him.
She felt lost, but not in a way that was detrimental, lost in him, something so purely good and happy it overwhelmed her senses.

Their faces drew closer, her eyes dancing across the form of his pink lips, intoxicating herself further with his scent. He brushed his lips lightly across hers, his eyes tracing every feature of her face with nothing but adoration. She felt her muscles relax, for once, her mind disconnect from her powers and the feelings of everyone in the room, she drew her lips to his, her hand skimming the skin at the side of his head, behind his ear.

Adrianna's eyebrows pulled together, her face, rather reluctantly, pulling away from Isaac's only half an inch. Her fingers ran over the skin behind his ear once more, and her frown deepened.

"What?" Isaac softly questioned, his eyes finding her confused ones. "What's wrong?"

"There's something on your head, behind your ear." Adrianna quietly spoke, her hands still stuck around his neck, her finger tracing over the small lumps that formed a symbol behind his ear.

Isaac lifted one of his hands from her waist, tracing the symbol with his own fingers. His eyebrows drew together, his confusion and concern matching Adrianna's.

Adrianna glanced briefly around at the crowd, no one seeming to have noticed their quick change in demeanour. She took his hand and hastily guided him away from the crowd, down a small, dark corridor, to a even smaller room in the back.

The moment they were both inside, her hands were gently placed upon his jaw, turning his head to the side, her eyes craning to see what has appeared on his skin.

"Turn to the mirror. Turn to the mirror." She instructed softly but had difficulty keeping the stress from her tone.

Isaac leant one hand against the edge of the mirror, turning his head to the side, whilst keeping his eyes on his own reflection.

Adrianna let her fingertip glide over the black symbol carved behind his ear once more, her eyebrows pulled together in a deep furrow. "You see that?"

"What is that?" Isaac questioned, using his own hand to press his ear down to better see the symbol.

"Looks like the number 5." Adrianna answered.

Both of them suddenly stilled, forgetting the mystery at hand, and meeting each others eyes, as the sound of someone moaning reached their advanced hearing.

Isaac straightened up, "Did you hear that?"

Adrianna nodded, and turned around to the corner of the room where barrels of ice were huddled together, where the pained sound had escaped from. They both slowly approached the barrels, their steps cautious, until they could see behind them.

Adrianna gasped, her mouth parting slightly, her eyes going wide, her arm twitching to grasp onto something. She looked to Isaac, whom mirrored a similar expression.

Ethan lay behind the barrels on the floor, his eyes less than halfway open, his heart barely thumping inside his chest, his entire body shivering as if he were naked in a snowstorm.

Isaac was the first to move, to make the decision. He pushed the barrels out of the way and dropped to his knees in front of the hypothermic werewolf. Adrianna slowly followed, unsure on where her reluctance lay, but quickly understanding the situation. She grabbed his shoulders and lifted him up with ease, her mind still shocked at this new physical strength within her. She leant him against the wall and knelt next to Isaac.

Isaac held his face, slapping it lightly a few times, and mumbling his name, yet Ethans eyes remained closed. His limbs shook with a cold they couldn't feel, or perhaps it was fear. They had to strain to hear his heartbeat, but it was little more than a flutter in their ears.

Isaac lips set in a firm line, and he let out a deep breath. His hands moved to Ethan's right forearm, spacing one hand at his wrist and the other a few inches down.

"What're you doing?" Adrianna questioned, her eyebrows pulled together in concern.

Isaacs jaw was set, as if he were almost reluctant to do this, yet not for the reasons one would assume. "It will trigger the healing." He let out a few quick, tense breaths, his eyes remaining at Ethan, before he snapped his radius.

Ethan jolted upright, his eyes flying open to reveal a glowing, blue iris, and a pained roar escaping his lips.
It lasted only a moment, before his body fell against the wall again. Yet his heart was stronger, the thumping become quicker and louder as it worked to rejuvenate his body.

Adrianna pulled her eyebrows together lightly, curiosity becoming evident in her eyes. She stood and moved to the other side of Isaac, before kneeling again. Her hands carefully tilted Ethans head to the left, leaving one hand on his jaw to steady him, and the other moving his ear forwards. The same, small black symbol of the number 5 was engraved into his skin. "It's the same." She looked to Isaac with a worried expression, uncertain on what this meant. "It's exactly the same."


"Get out!" The voice was deep, male and thundering, seeming to shake the floor and the walls that inhabit such strength.

Adrianna's back stiffened, almost as if a metal rod held it in place. A trembling began in her fingers, making its way up her hands, accompanying a shiver. An aged, yet familiar feeling pulsed through her, anger and dominance, all belonging to a single man. Her eyes, slightly widened with disbelief and shock, moved to Isaac's, whom didn't understand where the voice came from and why.

Her lips parted, as if she were to start explaining what had just occurred, or at least what she assumes has occurred. But words fail her, or the correct ones do. "Come on."
She gestured to the barely conscious Ethan and moved her arms so that one was around his bare waist, and the other held his arm over her shoulders, using the new strength she was quite accustomed to yet aid in dragging him to his feet.
Isaac grabbed his other arm and placed it around his shoulders, letting that half of his body weight be supported by him.

With less struggle than predicted, the three of them moved out of the poorly lit room, back down the short, dark hallway and to the large, main room that dominated the loft.

Multi-coloured jumbles of people ran from the room, some shrieking, some babbling their fear, all unable to comprehend something that had occurred. Adrianna felt a surge of panic and confusion come from them, but her focus quickly moved to the centre of the room, where Derek Hale stood.

( edited )

to those who have read the first book and what has been updated of this one, please leave a comment and let me know if you think I should continue this series and make a third book!


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