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Adrianna flicked through the thick pages of her biology book, merely glancing at the pictures before moving on. She was severely not interested in this subject and was even further reluctant to study for it today. Isaac had attempted to tell her for quite a while now that she should just drop the subject, but she was fairly certain she needed it for basically anything she wanted to do in the future. Although, her future was not something she thought about often. She could easily drop out of school altogether, after all, she was only here to be able to keep an eye on her friends. But having never had the opportunity to do school to begin with, she sort of found it interesting to pursue it.


Adrianna glanced up from the page she had paused upon, expecting to see someone standing there waiting for her attention. Except, the library was mostly empty, with only a few straggling students occupied with their own studies. She looked around, her eyebrows pulling together slightly. She must've only imagined it.

She looked back to her textbook, her eyes scanning the chapter titled: Internal Organs of the Bee. She hummed absently to herself, finding the title rather amusing. What student wanted to study the anatomy of the bee?


Adrianna raised her head once more, certain she had heard her name this time. Yet, the library remained the same as before and not one person was looking at her. She shook her head and shut the textbook. She stood up and walked over to the aisles of books, scanning for the letter T titles.
Three rows along she spotted it and walked down the fairly spacious aisle. Her eyes hopped from cover to cover, reading the titles in search for the one she wanted.

She stopped hallway down the aisle, her eyes landing on a book labelled: The Human Anatomy, Volume II. A satisfaction filled throughout her, finally, an interesting topic. She extended her arm and carefully pulled the book from its tight spot.

She instantly jumped back, the book clattering to the ground and her heart racing. Her eyes were glued to the small gap which was now empty. Whereas, moments ago, she swore she saw a pair of black eyes staring back at her. She shook her head, taking a step closer. They were as clear as the bright blue sky, just staring at her through that small gap, but nothing remained there now.

Adrianna's eyebrows contracted and she bent down to pick up the book she dropped, wincing as some of the papers were bent. She hoped it was okay, she was fairly certain the librarian already hated her.

She stood back up, attempting to fold the pages back out and straighten it up. Perhaps she would just put it back, leave her study at a rest for the day.


The voice had been as loud as her own, sounding as if it were right in front of her. There was no mistaking she heard it. She slowly looked up and felt her body freeze. It suddenly felt cold all around her and darkness seemed to be etching its way into her heart and clouding her brain. She could not shake off the image of the black eyes staring at her, standing only a metre away. They were bodiless, and unmoving, and deadly. They seemed to be staring at her with as much horror as she felt.

Adrianna took a stumbling step back, her hands clasped firmly around the book cover that they were starting to hurt. They eyes seemed to take a step with her, remaining the same distance away. She shook her head, the eyes watched her with rising intent.

"What--How--I--" Adrianna couldn't string a sentence together if her life depended on it. The utter fear that had frozen her to that spot was paralysing. Her thoughts were as blank as a piece of paper yet her head was pounding.

The eyes looked her up and down, despite containing any actual pupils to perform the creepy action with, and then vanished as quickly as they appeared.

Adrianna's mouth let out a loud, heavy breath, reliever the tension in her jaw and dropped the book to the ground. She couldn't think or move or comprehend what had just happened. Most likely, she didn't want to do any of those actions. She closed her slightly parted lips and backed out of the aisle, leaving the book on the ground and her eyes focused upon the point where the eyes had appeared. It took every muscle in her to work overtime to stop herself from sprinting to her bag, packing her belongings up and sprinting directly out of the school.
Her hands were shaking more than necessary as she zipped the black backpack closed and sped out of the library, down a few corridors and to a set of stairs leading to a crowded corridor below. She paused at the tip, leaning against the railing and closed her eyes. Her heart was still pounding a million beats a second and her mind couldn't rid of the image she had just witnessed. She couldn't process it, she simply refused to believe what it meant.

The sound of a familiar, stressed voice brought her out of her raging thoughts. ". . . .The William Barrow? The Shrapnel Bomber? Spotted Nearby?" Stiles voice faded off around the corner.

Adrianna frowned and descended the stairs, watching as a small group of police officers marched by her after Stiles. Her frown seemed to deepen. Why were the police crowding the school? She followed the small group and her feet stopped her once more. Agent McCall was marching down another set of stairs with the principal and another small group of officers, his movements and words quick and full of stress. "How do we get down to the basement? I need to know where every entrance is. I don't want anybody coming in or out of the school." Agent McCall instructed with a serious expression.

Adrianna's forehead was starting to hurt with the amount of pressure her contracted eyebrows where placing. She looked ahead of her to see Sherriff Stilinski and Stiles conversed in a deep conversation, the same air of stress surrounding them. She approached them, her eyes still staring bewildered at the crowding police walking up and down corridors, receiving and giving orders out.

"Sherriff, Stiles, what's going on?"





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