Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Louis puckered his lips, pouting at the mirror as he added another coating of the glossy pink lipstick. He wasn't one for too much makeup, opting more for the whole natural look. But tonight was a special night for the club, they were expecting a lot more business today; more than the success they've accomplished so far.

"Lou, you've been in there forever!" Louis jumped slightly in his seat and then rolled his eyes when he realized it was none other than his best friend Niall.

"I'll be out in a second!" He shouted back and dropped the cosmetic from his hand. He stood up, admired his curvy physique with one last pleased look before walking to the door.

"Jesus Christ, Niall." He pulled open the door and gave his blonde friend an annoyed glare. "Why are you rushing, the important people don't come in till later on."

Niall rolled his eyes, cocked his hips to the side and crossed his arms. "Yeah, well boss says he wants all of us to meet in his office. Apparently he wants to discuss something over with us."

Louis brows furrowed. "What for?"

Niall shrugged. "It might be because he heard the rumors about Ricardo and Freddie's tag team sex session in the bathroom."

Louis shook his head and stepped fully out the room, closing the door behind him. He had also heard about the 'incident' in the bathroom and really, he was surprised the boss took so long to find about about Ricardo and Freddy bringing paying customers into the bathroom for a quick fuck.

"I just hope he doesn't blame the rest of us are part of that bullshit," Louis said as they started walking towards the office. Truth be told, this job was everything to him and getting fired was the last thing he needed on his plate.

"So do I." Niall admitted and Louis watched Niall give him a subtle once over, obviously admiring the dangerously gold sparkly short shorts he was wearing, accentuating his ass, the tight black short sleeve shirt and the blacks suspenders over the shirt to match.

He looked at Louis."You look hot, Lou Lou. Your ass looks delicious, as usual." He said then pouted. "I want an ass like yours."

Louis giggled and couldn't help the way his cheeks flushed. Eight months working here and he still wasn't used to compliments. "Your ass is gorgeous too, babe. No worries." He flung an arm over his pouting friend.

"Yeah, right." Niall scuffed. "No ones ass is more gorgeous than yours."

"Point taken." Louis admitted and laughed, Niall shoving him away playfully.

When they made their way into the office their light moods immediately faded as they entered Richard's, their boss, office. Along with the boys like Louis and Niall who worked the floor, the boys who danced on stage were also there. Everyone looked all dolled up and ready to get outside and do their jobs but had frowns adorned their lips as tension filled the air.

Louis and Niall silently took a spot near the wall.

Richard was an intimidating man behind his desk. Handsome as ever with his black hair smoothed back from his face, suit fitted tightly against his bulging muscles and a not normally there disapproving frown. To say the least, he was a happy guy but fuck with him and he'd probably rearrange your face. One of the reasons why Louis ex never showed up to the club to bother him anymore.

He cleared his throat. "So now that we have everyone here, I want to discuss an...issue that has been traveling along this club and outside." He reached slowly for a pen and tapped it against the table, his hard gaze scanning the room.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now