Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

A loud roll of thunder grumbled through Louis stomach as he held on to the banister and walked down the stairs. It was safe to say after all that shopping and sleeping right after, he was starving. He could probably henchman Harry to make him something other than pasta cause he wasn't in the mood for that.

"Harry?" He called through the house. After a few seconds there was no response and Louis eyes knitted in confusion.

Louis peeped in the living room and the man wasn't in there either."Har-"

"Oh, dad, youre awake." Nolan walked through the kitchen entrance and spotted him. "Harry said he wanted to clear up the apartment."

"Oh." Louis frowned. "He left you guys alone?"

Nolan rolled his eyes in answer. "Dad, I'm thirteen and you were sleeping upstairs, he said you'd be awake soon."

It was almost scary how the man knew his sleeping schedule. But now this meant no fine dining for him. "Alright then, where's Xander?"

"In his room," The teen answered and then took his phone out his pocket. He glanced at it and then his blue eyes flicked back up to Louis. "Dad, is it okay for Chrissy to come over?"

"Ummm, sure, yeah go ahead." He smiled. "Doors open if you're in your bedroom, yeah?"

Nolan nodded and raked his hand through his blonde hair before walking towards the stairs.

He felt a sigh brush past his lips because he definitely would have preferred Harry's cooking.


It was a beautiful thing, the sun setting. The array of bright colors contrasting against each other like a paintbrush gliding across the sky. The clouds more pronounced as the colors splash against its opaque surface.

This time earlier this year he would have started getting ready for work, pulling on his sexiest panty and over it a pair of baggy sweats. He was like a modern day superman or something. Daytime, a dad to his kids and nighttime, a seductive minx that saves the day for grabby overworked men who aren't happy with their lives.

It seemed so long ago, as if that life never existed, only a remanence of someone else's life he had dreamt about. He felt as if he had always been in this spot, sitting sprawled with his hands rubbing lazily over his stomach, watching as his boys kicked a football around. Only thing was, Harry was suppose to be in this picture and he wasn't here right now for some bloody reason.

Louis huffed, one hand still massaging his aching stomach while his other hand dialed the man's number for the fifth time today. As he waited patiently, the dial tone buzzing in his ear, his eyes were trained on Chrissy and Xander who were putting up a good fight against Nolan.

It wasn't a surprise when the dial tone rung out since its been happening all day. Louis was getting really frustrated, annoyed, worried, and angry all at the same time. This wasn't like Harry to do something like this. He had even called Liam and the man hadn't answered either.

The one thing he wasn't going to do though was jump to horrible assumptions. He was going to try to stay optimistic and just pray he gets home soon.

It was easier said than done.

Louis sighed again, running a hand through his hair before swinging his leg to the other side of the chair and hoisting his body up. His hands instantly went below his stomach for leverage.

"Boys," He called, grabbing their attention. "I think its time to go inside and wash up. Its getting dark." He was sure they could play all night long but he didn't wanna leave them outside alone and then something happens and he cant get there fast enough.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now