Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Louis groaned and flushed the toilet for the third time today, standing up on wobbly legs. He was so sick and tired of being sick.

It was completely draining his body, and a good month and a half has past and he's still seen no means of this sickness ever ending. Albeit, he was starting to become really worried but he quickly blamed it all on stress once again. He was juggling things all at once whilst trying to get over the love of his life and perhaps his body couldn't take it all at once.

"Dad, I really think you should go see a doctor." Nolan said when Louis walked into the kitchen.

"I'm fine, Nolan. It's just stress," He replied, filling the kettle up with water. Perhaps some tea would sate his stomach a little.

"But you keep throwing up. What if its something bad? Like, what if you're really sick because I'm pretty sure stress doesn't do this to people."

Louis sighed long and pressed a hand to his forehead. "Nolan, I promise I'll be okay. I've just been handling a really bad situation and-"

"Is it Harry?" Nolan asked softly and this time Louis looked up at the boy who sat at the table with a plate of pop tarts in front of him.

This is the first time any of them had brought up Harry since the last time they saw him. Louis had avoided the subject completely, hoping they'd just magically forgot the man existed in their lives.

"A little," He said, not exactly telling a lie. "We've broken up, so rightfully I'm a little bit upset over it. I, uh, I really loved him."

He watched as the boy visibly tensed and his hands clenched tightly on the table. "What did he do?"He growled quite adorably.

Louis smiled softly. "He just...did something unforgivable and we decided to part ways. He won't be around anymore so you don't have to worry about him." He spun around when the kettle clicked and then got himself a glass.

"I actually started to like him a little."

"I would think you would. He's a very nice person and it's hard not to like him." He soaked the teabag in the steaming water. "I'm not saying you shouldn't like him because what he did to me is personally between us two. But I'm more telling you that you wont have to worry about him anymore because he won't be around."

"Oh." Came the reply. "I still think you should go to the doctor though, just to make sure that it's really stress thats making you sick."

Louis sipped the hot tea daintily, allowing the savoring heat to slide down his throat and sooth his stomach. "I'll schedule an appointment," he stated finally. "But only to appease your worries." He ruffled his son's hair as he walked by him.


"Niall, I'm thinking about starting school." Louis says into the phone as he looks at the laptop screen.

"School?" Niall sounded shock. "Are you sure you're up for all that?"

He bit his lip as an answer looking at the college website with an unsure heart.

"I don't know," He replied truthfully. Lately, everything has been reminding him of Harry. Down to the Applebees restaurant he had taken the boys to last night, the Mario kart game Nolan was playing last night, and even putting on panties reminded him of the man. He's suffering so bad inside and truthfully he didn't think he's ever be this devastated about anyone before. More than twice a week he found himself crying to sleep because he just missed him so much. He missed looking at his gorgeous eyes and his brilliantly white smile, and his horrendous laugh.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now