Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

You ready?  -H

Louis cursed and glanced over at the vibrating phone as he searched through his large collection of panties.

"Fuck fuck fuck." He didn't even have on clothes yet.

Nearly. Give me ten   -L. He texted.

I should be there in ten then -H

"Fuck." Louis groaned and then looked at the top five panties that he picked out earlier.

This was incredible important to him because Harry was picking Louis up and bringing him to his home to make dinner for them. Which means they'll be alone, finally. Which also means that they were bound to have sex. Its something about Harry's broad shoulders, his swoon worthy abs and his sultry green eyes that made him want to jump the man all the time. If it were up to him they'd be fucking every night because its been such a long time.

His hormones were practically going off at this point. And finally on a whim he decided on a baby pink lace thongs with little bows at the hips.

He managed to place that on first then pulling on some decent clothes, because its Harry's not a fucking restaurant, and comb out his hair all in a tight span of 9 minutes and wow did he deserve a medal for that.

Harry showed up and they crash to together when their eyes locked, both lingering in the hallway kissing the breath out of each other, their tooth's knocking together desperately. They hadn't seen each other in four days which was due to Harry's overseas trip for some business conference. Louis had shamefully threw the kids at their father's for the night when the man offered to take them for the weekend.

Harry was in a different car tonight, a gorgeous royal blue Audi that had Louis knees shaking.

"You do realize I'm gonna beg to see this infamous row of cars, right?"

Harry's lips pulled into a smirk and fuck did he look sexy laid back with one hand on the wheel.

"They're not all at this house."

"Jesus," Louis pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. "How many houses do you have?"

"I've got one two in London, a penthouse in the city and the house where we're going to right now. Then I've got one in America on the beach and my parents own a private island where I have a house there too."

He was exhausted just listening to the list. He couldn't imagine growing up with so much luxuries.

"Its not all its cracked up to." Harry spoke and Louis felt his cheeks flush when he realized he voiced his thoughts out loud.

"I didn't-"

"It's fine, Lou." Harry smiled softly. "Theres a lot of things that gets involved with money. People are always watching you and as a kid I was expected to be on my best behavior, no fuck ups, you know?"

Louis nodded slowly watching Harrys eyes furrow.

"I remember envying the kids that didn't have to practically choke themselves in suits every night at my parents dinner parties. I had to act like I understood the world I live in at nine years old."

Louis stomach tugged at that, his eyes watching concerned as a flash of pain glinted in Harry's eyes.

"Thats fucked up." Was what came about his mouth and it wasn't exactly what he meant to say. "I mean-"

"It's fine, Lou." Harry chuckled lightly. "It is pretty fucked up." He agreed.

Soon, Louis was caught gaping like a fish when they rolled up to Harry's house. He was completely stunned shut. This wasn't a bloody house it was a fucking mansion.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now