Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

He really didn't want to go to this --bound to turn disastrous 'meet the parents' -- dinner. Louis honestly didn't know how he'd survive it. He was already in agony, pain spiraling down his spine as the babies moved around, weighing heavy on him.

He was standing-as his doctor had prescribed him to do when this happened- with his legs open running his hands around his stomach. The doctor told him this was normal for a person holding twins, he was already in his sixth month and was bound to get tortured by either one or both of the twins.

It had been a magical moment when Harry and himself felt the babies kick around for the first time. Well, more like soft fluttering or a feeling of bubbles popping in his stomach. Harry and his hands and face couldn't keep away from Louis damn stomach either.

But this, this was anything but little kicks, this was bloody torture. And he had just the mind to call Harry and cancel on him when suddenly he heard the doorbell ring.

"Fuck," he cursed lowly and walked to the bathroom. "Nolan, grab the door for me, love!" He called, wetting his flushed face with some warm water.

He needed to be mentally prepared for this because obviously, physically ready was out of the question. He'd have to cope someway somehow. With that mindset, he flicked the light off in the bathroom and walked to the living room with his hand below his clothed pastel blue sweater stomach

He saw Harry look up from his position near the boys on the couch. He watched the man say something to Nolan and then stand up with a bright smile. "Hi, love. You ready?"

Louis rolled his eyes."As I'll ever be." He went over to his shoes by the door and tried his luck in putting them on by himself.

"Fucking hell," he grumbled, instantly annoyed and slammed the shoes. This had to happen now, of course when he was already near to losing his shit.

He had his head pressed to the wall of the corridor when he heard Harry's footsteps walk towards him. Through his peripheral vision, he watched Harry crouch before tapping his thigh invitingly.

"Here, babe. Let me." His smile was soft and reassuring. Louis sighed gratefully and turned towards Harry, picking up his sock cladded foot and resting it on Harry's thigh. Harry picked up the shoes and unlaced the white laces to his black Vans, since Louis always toed it off when he finished using it.

"Babies hurting you?" Harry asked, placing the shoes on his foot.

"Yeah, they've been kicking all day," He sighed.

He didn't miss the prideful grin on Harry's face until it faded into a sure sympathetic smile. "Did you do what Dr. Craig told you to?" He asked placing the other shoe on his right foot.

"Yeah, but I'm supposed to do it for 20 minutes and I didn't have time for that. I had a test online that I had to finish." And since he couldn't physically go to school anymore he had to go online to do all his work. It was stressful because all he really wanted to do was nowadays was sleep.

Harry tapped his foot when he was all done. Louis took his foot off and watched as Harry crawled closer so that he was eye level to Louis very rounded stomach. He felt his lips twitch.

"Hi, my handsome baby boys." He pressed both his large hands on each side of his stomach and leaned in to press his lips against it. "Leave your daddy alone for awhile. I know you wanna get out of there but you're torturing him, loves."

Louis felt a giggle fell past his lips, his heart clenching at the sight when Harry raised his eyes and beamed at him. Harry placed several kisses around the bump before standing to his feet and placing a mouth warming kiss on Louis lips.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now