Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Harrys POV

"Is dad gonna be okay?" Nolan asked as Harry cradled a tearful toddler on his lap.

"Of course, love." Harry looked down smiling.

"Mr. Styles?" His name was called. He looked up to see the doctor walking into the room. He carefully placed Xander on the seat, standing to his feet.

"Yes?" He answered hopefully. They've kept him in the dark for ten whole minutes, he was damn near ready to lose his shit if they didn't tell him something.

The dark skinned doctor looked down at his iPad quickly and then looked back up at Harry with a smile.

"Good news: Louis' in labor at the moment and probably will be for the next couple of hours."

Harrys eyes widened and his heart stuttered in shock. "L-labor? He's having the babies?"

"Yes sir. A little earlier than expected but only by a week so we don't count that as premature."

Harry nodded his head in understanding. "Can we go see him?" He asked and the doctor looked over Harry's shoulder at the three kids sitting quietly.

"Umm...right now he's in pain. So perhaps you can go but the children may not be able to. Is there anyone to watch them?"

He silently cursed himself. Niall and Liam had left for Paris yesterday and wouldn't be back for another week. He'd have to reduce himself to calling his father or something, and that was only if the man wasn't busy.

"Okay, I'll uh, I'll get someone," he spoke up. The doctor nodded as Harry took out his phone and dialed his father's number. It picked up on the third tone.

"Harry?" He answered neutrally.

"Dad, yeah. I need to ask for a favor." Harry got straight to it, placing a hand on his hip and looking away from the doctor.

"A favor?" He sounded perplexed. "Whats the matter, are you in trouble?"

"Kind of, Louis is labor-"

"Oh! Thats wonderful." He interrupted, his voice sincere.

Harry couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, it is. But I have the kids and I need someone to watch them so I can get into the hospital room."

"Oh, uh." The man paused and seemed to whisper something to someone before coming back on the line. "Sure, I'll let Jacob finish up these files for me." Jacob was his dad's most trustworthy assistant.

"Are you sure you want me there?"

Harry sighed. "Yeah, we've got no one else." Louis' mum was probably available but she couldn't drive and taking the train or bus could take her hours.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." Des replied.

"Thank you," he said and hung up. He told the doctor his father would be here and the man, thankfully, said he'd wait with the kids while Harry goes to see Louis condition.

It wasn't hard to find Louis room, being already so familiar with the hospital. Harry entered with his heart heavy and his palms sweating anxiously. Louis laid on the gurney, his face red and contorted with pain and his hands rubbing large circles across the expanse of his stomach. His glossy eyes turned to face Harry as the door closed.

"Lou," he breathed.

"Hazza," he whined and made grabby hands at the Harry.

Harry felt himself smiling as he walked towards the bed and sat sideways on the small space Louis made for him. He moved Louis hand from his stomach and replaced it with his own, caressing the heated size.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now