Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Louis thanked the clerk as he handed her the money for the boy's Mc'donalds. Now usually, he avoided taking them to fast foods restaurants such as this but he needed to get out the house because he was feeling stuffed and antsy and oh so uncomfortable.

Plus, he hadn't had a chance to tell his boys about the new arrival in a couple months. This seemed like the perfect time to do so.

He directed them to a decent looking table with minimal stains of ketchup on it and sat them down.

He had only ordered a chicken wrap and small fries because he was hyper alert about the nausea he's been having lately. It was different from the other times he's been pregnant because now even when he stands up from a seat he's hit with a small wave of dizziness and the unpleasant feeling of bile in his throat.

"Thanks, dad." Nolan said as he took out his food from the bag.

"Thank you, daddy." Xander countered with his mouth already full.

Louis smiled and handed Xander a napkin. "You're welcome boys. Xander wipe your mouth for me, baby." It's like the toddler missed his mouth every time he tried to put food in.

Louis watched them for a few more seconds, before opening his mouth.

"So boys, I have something I want to tell you." He casually chewed on a fry even though he could feel his belly fluttering in nervousness.

"Yeah?"Nolan spoke.

Louis nodded. "I'm uh, I'm pregnant."

Nolan's hand with a hamburger in it froze mid air, his eyes wide and shocked. The toddler had an adorable crease between his eyebrows.

"With what?" Xander asked.

Louis chuckled and smiled. "With babies, love. Daddy's gonna have a baby."

"Wait wait wait." Nolan placed his burger down and Louis winced internally as he saw the boy cross his arms. "You said babies, that's plural, meaning two."

He's raised a smart kid, what can he say. "Yeah, I meant two." He replied slowly. "I found out the reason I've been so sick is because I'm having twins." He smiled brightly at the end hoping it'll mar Nolan's tight facial features.

"By who exactly?"

Christ, Louis felt like he was being reprimanded by his mum. On another day he would scold Nolan for questioning him like a child but he did just drop a bomb on them, so. He gets a free pass today.

"By Harry," He said slowly.

"I thought he wasn't your friend anymore, daddy." Xander said.

Louis smiled slightly."We've made up and resolved our differences, but even that doesn't change the fact that he's the father, dove."

"Why did you forgive him?" Nolan asked tensely.

"Because Nolan, some things are not worth fighting and losing each other for." He explained. "You don't know what happened between Harry and I, he's told me the truth now and I forgive him."

"So he's going to be around now?"

"Well, not exactly now cause though you should always find it in yourself to forgive someone, you don't have to
exactly go back to the way things were. We're taking it slow, but when he does come back I'd really like you guys to be nice to him." He pleaded at the end. It was hard enough getting Nolan to like Harry in the beginning, he didn't want a repeat.

"Harry's funny." Xander commented with a smile and Louis returned it.

The preteen's hands dropped on his lap and he looked down at them sullenly. "But you said he hurt you before, dad."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now