Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Harry's POV

"Harry, your mum is calling again. Should I answer?" Vanessa trailed behind him, pulling one of his suitcases.

"No." He grumbled and gave his driver the suitcase and his duffel bag before entering the car. Vanessa, his assistant, followed after him.

You'd think his mother would get the hint after he's ignored her calls for nearly three months now. He didn't want to look at her much less speak to her at all. Today especially, because according to Vanessa he had a full day ahead of him even after coming from a two week long trip in Brazil.

"You're planning to ignore her for the rest of your life then?" Vanessa asked.

"For as long as I feel like. I don't want her meaningless apologies." They wouldn't bring Louis back to him so she can just fuck off really.

"Well her birthday's coming up next week, you know she'll be devastated if you don't call."

"I don't care. Send her a card with a check in it or something." He glanced at her briefly then went back to staring out the window.

"Harry." She sighed.

"Vanessa." He mocked childishly.

"Fine! Fiine." She exasperated. "You know what, Harry? You wanna ignore her, go right ahead but you do realize I'm gonna get shit from it, right? She's gonna-"

He blocked out her voice, watching the sky as they drove towards the hospital. The sky reminded him of Louis eyes, no, he couldn't even compare the unique gems to something plain as the sky. Nothing compared to Louis, even the men that he had escorted to specific meetings and events in Brazil. No one was as beautiful, appealing and compelling as Louis. No one could make him smile like he does, no matter how hard they tried. His heart ached to just turn back time just to feel those emotions again. Nowadays he felt as if a permanent dark cloud was over his head, he was moody and rude to anyone who even looked at him, which wasn't his real personality at all.

"Are you even listening to me?!" She sputter outrageously and he simply gave her a drawled look as they pulled up at the hospital.

"I'll call you when I'm finished," He deadpanned and got out the car slamming the door. He paused in step and turned back around to see her gaping at him. "Oh and leave my bags at the house in Cheshire, I'm gonna go up there tonight instead," He stated finally before spinning around and walking away.

He took a moment to admire the building while walking. Unlike other hospitals, they had taken a more modern approach of the design rather than traditional, knowing it would bring appeal to its visitors. The exterior was made of pure glass, rows upon rows of them, the entrance being the only thing that was made of stainless steel.

He was quite proud of it too because initially his father had been reluctant to modernize a hospital, his reasoning being it's a hospital and not a bloody hotel casino but with a little persuasion he was able to coax the man into agreeing, which was probably the best thing he's ever done for the company.

As soon as he walked into the the hospital he was greeted with warm smiles from familiar faces. Usually he would greet them back with a smile too but today he simply gave them a nod, which unsurprisingly they didn't seem fazed by.

He went up to the desk. "Joshua's in today?" He asked the lady and her head snapped up from what she was doing, her expression caught off guard.

"Oh, Mr, Styles. Uh..." She looked at a paper on the wall. "He's here today, should be in his office." She smiled politely.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now