Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Nolan can you help Xander pick up those toys on the floor?" Louis shouted from the kitchen as he washed up their breakfast wares.

He could hear Nolan's grumbles as he made an appearance at the kitchen entrance. "Dad, he made the mess. Why do I have to help?"

Louis sighed frustratingly and looked over his shoulder to see Xander stuffing the toys under the couch.

"Because Nolan, apparently cleaning up in his definition is hiding them under the couch." He turned to Nolan and dropped his shoulders with a huff. "Help me out, please."

"Fine," The preteen mumbled and Louis listened as he softly reprimanded his brother.

Whilst he wiped up the wares, he thought about how he has yet to mention Harry to the boys. He didn't know how they would react being as Louis has never brought anyone but Drew around them. But it was now or never, being that Harry was due to spend the day with them.

When the boys finished cleaning up without a fuss they planted themselves in front of the television. Nolan was on his phone and Xander was biting his nails -taking after Louis' old habit- as he watched Batman.

Louis sat down daintily and stayed quiet for ten minutes before he decided to suck up some guts.

"So boys," He started, catching the attention of both of them as they turned to look at him. "I'd like to, uh, talk to you about something."

When they just kept their eyes trained on him he continued, "So, I met someone recently. His name's Harry and he'd really like to meet you guys."

Louis watched as Nolan frowned and placed his phone down."He's your boyfriend?"

"What's a boyfriend?" Xander chimed in, his innocent blue eye staring at Louis in confusion.

"Well, love, he's just someone that I really really like and would like for you guys to get to know him like I have."

"Why? It's not like we'll always see him." Nolan crossed his arms.

Louis smiled despite the negative look on Nolan's face. "That's the point of me telling you guys, because he'll be around a lot more," He replied. "In fact, we'll all go out today and spend time together."

"And if we don't like him?"

"Try," Louis answered quickly. He didn't want to think of the outcome of the boys not liking Harry.

"So you don't like dad anymore?" Nolan asked after a beat of silence.

Louis eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Of course I like your dad. He's your father, I have to. But he has nothing to do with this. Harry's my boyfriend and I'd really like if you guys gave him a chance." Louis hoped his eyes didn't express too much of how desperate he was for this to work. He really liked Harry and he really wanted this to work badly.

Xander seemed to clock out of the conversation but Louis knew he'd have no problems with him. Xander's nature was to be friendly to everyone but Nolan. He's reached the age where he pretty much hates change and probably wasn't going to be as openhearted to Harry as his brother.


Louis had no idea where Harry was taking them and he was damn near on his toes now, Xander was bouncing around the house making airplane noises with his toy in hand and Nolan sat on the couch quietly watching the telly.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now