Chapter 23

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Fuck. Liam. Guess who's still gonna write her "weird" fanfic? Me. Guess who still get's fucked in the ass by Harry? Louis.
Chapter 23

Harry POV

Harry groaned loudly, his hips raising as the sweet agony of his release neared. His hand moved faster as his brain mirrored the scene where Louis had rode him like a wolf in heat, grounding his body with momentum. He imagined Louis eyes screwed tight and his mouth opened wide as little whimpers fell past his lips.

"Louis," He gasped, his breath catching as a wave of pleasure washed through him. And then he was releasing long and thick into his joggers, sweat beading on top of his lips.

After his shudders ceased and his harsh pants turned silent, he pulled up his joggers and rose from the couch. He cringed at his wet hands and padded over to the kitchen to wash it.

He was so sexually frustrated his head was spinning. No, he just really really missed Louis. When they were together, before he totally fucked things up, they were on each other almost everyday and now he's been without sex for a good four months. That is of course if you didn't count his hand.

Tonight though, he had no intentions on persuading Louis to do anything with him. If the beautifully curvy man wanted to then Harry would have no choice but to give him what he wants. But he was trying to do what Louis insisted on, which is taking things slow.

He sighed and grabbed a glass of water, pocketing his phone before walking out to the deck of his beach house. This was probably his favorite house in all of England. It wasn't too big like the rest, but the perfect size where he could easily walk outside and have a perfect view of the ocean in his backyard

He inhaled the salty rich smell of the air and sipped on his water, his hands holding the medal railing. He was becoming in tuned with the melodic sounds of the ocean crashing and the wind whistling silently when suddenly he heard his name being called.

He thought he was hearing wrong for a second until the voice became familiar.


"Harry!" He spun around and groaned as his mother walked though his house towards him, her heels clicking on the floor.

He looked up to the sky and prayed for some type of mercy. He didn't want to deal with this woman today. Probably not ever.

"Harry Edwards Styles, I have been ringing your phone for the past four months. What in the bloody hell is wrong with you!?" Her face was tight in anger, her stance defensive.

Harry rolled his eyes and took a seat on one of the lounge chairs, placing the glass of water down of the floor. "How did you get in my house?" He asked calmly.

"Don't ask me that question, Harry. Why have you been ignoring me?"

Harry shot an incredulous look in her direction, "Why have I been ignoring you? Are you seriously asking me that question?"He laughed bitterly.

She tilted her chin up and crossed her arms. "I have done nothing wrong."

He sat up quickly, anger searing through his veins."You're not a fucking twelve year old, mum! You know exactly what you've done!"

"Don't not curse at me young man." She snapped, pointing at him. "You should make sure your whores know where they're place-"

Harry was up in her face before the sentence was finished, crowding her against the sliding glass door. "Don't you ever call him that again or I swear to God..."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now