Chapter 18

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Christ, you guys are too good to me. I'm gonna say sorry beforehand.

Chapter 18

*Anxiety Trigger Warning

Louis stared numbly at the sonogram picture of not one but two little forms in two different sacs.

He literally felt nothing, it seemed like his brain had ran out of blood and his heart stopped pumping normally. Do you know that feeling when you're walking on the street and sometimes get that out of body feeling? As if you're not really the person moving your legs? Well this is how he felt, as if he was watching himself from the outside of his body staring blankly at a sheet of paper.

Everything had added up in a matter of seconds. All the symptoms, especially the disastrous morning sickness and the dizziness. He just wanted the world to stop spinning for a mere second, so that he can just freeze his life.

Why him? Why do things keep piling up on him as if he didn't already have so much weight on his back? Why was he picked out of everyone?

He had just started planning a future too, but once again with two steps forward he always manages to take six steps back. Every fucking time. The world was truly playing a sick game on him.

"Are you alright?" Dr. Craig stood by the door, his hands awkwardly clasped in front of him.

"No." He exhaled. "No, I'm not okay." He then laughed humorlessly, swiping harshly at a lone tear. "This has to be a fucking joke, right?"

The doctor opened his mouth then closed it back quickly before exhaling a breath and running a hand through his bald head. "I don't know what to tell you, Louis. I've never-"

"Can I get rid of them?"

The air seemed suffocated after the question fell past his lips. His stomach was pulling and tugging dangerously and bile was settled at his throat. He needed to do something. He just couldn't have these babies. There was no fucking way he'd be able to support for four kids. Just the mere thought of watching his kids suffer at the hands of his own wrong decision made him nauseous, he couldn't do that to them. They deserved so much better.

"Louis, I need you to slow down a little and take a deep breath. I understand you're upset but a decision like that made in the heat of the moment sometimes can be devastating to the patients own life, mentally and physically."

He shook his head harshly, his lips trying to find words to even comprehend whats happening right
now. And that was when the dam broke and like a wave soared over his emotions he began to weep. Tears rolled down his cheeks profusely and harsh wails fell past his lips as he began to question his own right to live.

He didn't feel the arms around him, he just felt himself falling and falling into a endless deep hole. He suddenly didn't want to breathe anymore, he didn't to open his eyes, he didn't want to hear anything but himself floating away from all his problems. He just wanted to go away.

He was unaware of his body thrashing around and piercing screams emitting past his lips because the next thing he saw was darkness.


Louis blinked up at the ceiling as he gained full conscience again, looking around blarily at his surroundings.

The first thing he noticed was the fact that he was no longer sitting on the leather bed but it had been replaced with a comfortable linen bed and the fact that his cheeks were stiff with what felt like the residue of dry tears.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now