Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Louis exhaled a long breath in relief as he exited the college building. It had all went better than he expected. They informed him all about the financial aid he could apply for so that he wasn't paying thousands of pounds for classes and also told him about the interesting courses that could further build his knowledge of the acting world. He was literally buzzing for classes to finally start in the summer.

The kids were out with his mum and his aunts, even though the twins weren't technically old enough to be called aunts, hanging out at a local park.

Louis had promised Niall that they'd spend time together today because they wouldn't be seeing each other anymore at work due to the baby bump. He had called Richard yesterday and the man had been ecstatic to hear the news, he told Louis he would give him the necessary leave of absence with pay. But the man had made him promise to keep him updated on the baby progress so he could estimate how long he would be away.

He drove to Niall's flat first and picked up the bubbly blonde who was currently adorned with dark Ray Bands shades and his classic skin tight blue jeans.

"Where are we off to?" Louis asked, looking through his rear mirror as he pulled out of the small parking spot carefully.

"They've got a cool Mexican buffet place I've always wanted to try. We can go there."

"Put the directions in my phone, please," He stated because he had no idea where he was driving at the moment.

"Sure." He picked up the phone and tapped on the screen. "So how have my godchildren been?"


He watched as Niall eyed his round stomach adorned in the fitted lavender jumper. He giggled lightly then rose a brow.

"Who named you godfather?"

"I get godfather by default since you have no other friends."

Louis gasped, glancing at Niall with a pout. "Rude. I do have have friends."

"The guys we work with don't count."

He came up blank when he tried searching for names of friends outside of his job. "I don't have time to socialize."

"You don't have time to talk to people?"

"I-" He paused and then groaned. "Leave me alone, meanie." He stuck his tongue out without looking at the man. Niall laughed audibly and then placed Louis' phone into the clip that held the phone up on the front window. He squinted at the directions on the illuminated screen.

"So, have you checked up with Dr. Craig?"

And this is what he loved about Niall. They haven't brought up the fact that Louis had even considered abortion yet. He could tell Niall knew his decision the day he walked into work on the last day to pick up his cosmetics and other products to take home. He was all smiles and giggles and most importantly the whole air around him was lighter. He was glad to have someone like Niall in his life.

"I've got an appointment in two days. It's just a quick checkup though. The fifth month is usually when I can find out the sex."

"Oh my gosh, imagine if you got two boys again."

"The horror." He joked, dramatically placing the back of his palm on his forehead. They giggled together whilst he returned both hands on the wheel.

"I don't really care about the sex, to be completely honest."

"That's good."

They drove a little more in silence before Louis spoke up, "How's the transition been for you so far? Any problems?" He remembered the lad had mentioned starting the pills a while back.

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