Chapter 30

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I was debating whether or not to post this chap up because I didn't get time to read it over (fucking school) but I don't want to keep you guys waiting.

Chapter 30

"Harry, when are you gonna get the cake?" Louis called, tiptoeing on the chair by the door so that he could place the streamers up.

"Babe, why are you on the chair? That's dangerous." He glanced briefly at Harry as he walked into the room with a frown on his face.

"I couldn't reach. I'm fine," He explained, not even merely taking the expression off Harry's face. The man came up behind him and placed his arms securely at his hips. Louis felt his lips twitch. "When are you gonna get the cake?" He asked again.

"As soon as I'm sure you won't hurt yourself while I'm gone."

Louis rolled his eyes and sighed in relief as he was able to put his hands down. He's spent the last fifteen minutes getting those streamers up.
He batted Harry's hands away and, with much effort, got himself down the chair.

Harry was watching him in amusement as Louis shooed him with his hands. "You gotta go now, Haz. We've got two hours till people show up."

Harry chuckled as Louis attempted to push him with his hands on the mans chest. "We have enough time, why are you rushing?"

"Better to get things done early," Louis huffed. "Plus, I'm tired and I want to take a nap, but not before knowing the cake will be here."

Harry frowned. "You shouldn't overwork yourself, Lou. You've got two babies inside you."

"Yeah well, I want everything to be perfect for Nolan so just.." He waved his hand again. "Get the cake and I'll go take a nap."

He was extremely exhausted. He felt like he hadn't slept in weeks, though he chalked that up to the three hours of shopping with Niall and then coming home to decorate for Nolan's birthday.

Harry gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips before Louis pouted and dragged himself to his bed, collapsing on his side. What was sort of surprising is that Harry was sleeping over almost every night now. They've even designated which side of the bed was theirs. Louis didn't understand why exactly Harry chose to stay in his small home instead of his own bloody mansion but he wasn't complaining either. He liked the fact that Harry's warm body was there every night beside him.

He slept dreamlessly with no interruptions until he was woken out of his light slumber by the bed shifting.

"Love?" He felt Harry's hands pet across the expanse of his stomach. His hands were cold to the touch and brought shivers down Louis spine. "You're okay?" Harry's asked softly.

Louis hummed and sighed into the touch. "Yeah," he responded, his voice filled with sleep. "You got the cake?"

"Well you see..."

Louis eyes flew open almost comically at the hesitance. "What the-?" Harry was grinning widely at him, his eyes playful.

Louis pouted and sat up slowly."Not funny, Haz." He winced slightly as the weight of his stomach became more prominent.

"Couldn't resist." He shrugged. "C'mon, Niall's outside with a bag of gifts."

The party kicked off probably thirty minutes later after Louis' family, Nolan's friends and Nolan himself entered the house. The couches and telly were all pushed back, giving the impression that the living room was large and soft pop music was playing in the background.

From where he was standing by the kitchen counter sipping on a glass of orange juice, he could spot Xander playing with his aunts, Nolan occupied with Chrissy, and Niall talking with Liam and Harry.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now