Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Lottie?" Louis called as he kicked the front door closed.

"We're in here!" A shout came from the living room. He toed his sneakers off and padded into the living room.

He found Lottie and Xander on the floor with a variety of different nail polishes on the surrounding them and Xander's face in concentration as he painted Lottie's nails.

"Hey guys." He smiled.

"Hi, dad." Nolan said though his eyes remained on the game.

Xander's head turned and lit up when he saw Louis. "Hi, daddy. Look what I've done to aunties nails." He brought up her larger hand which was painted horrifically with different colors. He practically painted the whole finger.

"That's lovely." He complimented. "Lottie should pay you to always do her nails."

Louis laughed as his sister shook her head wildly behind the toddlers back.

He laid his overnight bag on the couch and sat down wearily into the soft cushion. "Thanks for babysitting, Lots."

"It's cool. Its always fun hanging out with my nephews." She rumpled Xander's blonde hair and then looked up with a smirk on her lips. "How was your night?"


"I'm sure it was." She waggled her eyebrows knowingly.

"Ew." Nolan said with a grimaced and Louis felt his face flush.

"You don't even know what we're talking about." Louis exclaimed.

Nolan rolled his eyes."Dad, I'm twelve not nine. I know what sex is."

Xander's head perked up."What's sex?"

Louis dropped his head into his hand groaning. Curse technology and its influence on Nolan's generation, he so wasn't ready to have this conversation with either of his sons.

"And that's my cue." Lottie shot him an apologetic smile. "Bye boys." She said lastly then walked swiftly out the door.

The boys were still staring at him when he turned around. "Well obviously Nolan knows what it means. But you're too young to, bub." He got off the chair and groaned picking up Xander.

"But I wanna know too, daddy." The toddler pouted.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out why its noon already and you guys are still in your pajamas." He walked through the hallways and then placed the toddler down when they reached the bathroom.

"We woke up really late in the morning and auntie made up pancakes!" Xander grinned in glee.

Louis frowned, pulling the clothes off the toddlers small body. "You guys were up late?"

"We watched all the Harry Potter movies, daddy. Harry Potter has the same name as your Harry!"

His Harry. He really liked that title.

"I know, love." He said smiling and the picked Xander's naked body up and placed him in the bath.

Louis watched for a while as the toddler played in the water, stopping at moments to strike up a conversation. He had a sudden brush of nostalgia remembering the times when Xander could only giggle and clap whilst he was being bathed, now the toddler was able to form sentences and begin conversations.

What also happened at that moment was a light bulb clicked in his head and he realized. He forget to take his pill.

He sighed standing up. "I'll be right back, Xander. Wash yourself clean, please."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now