Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Is this house far?" Louis asked, leaning to look out the window.

Harry looked over at Louis. It was dark and the car was covered in black, but in the lilac jumper Louis was wearing he could see the protruding bump under it and it was doing something to his system.

"It's just a little while longer. Why, are you uncomfortable?" His brows furrowed over at the small man.

Even in the dark he could see Louis cheeks flush. "I need to pee."

"Really bad?"

Louis looked at him wide-eyed. "Really bad."

Harry made an 'O' with his mouth and nodded in understanding. He pressed on the acceleration harder so that there was a noticeable change in speed and they were now zooming down the empty street.

"Is this like a symptom?" He asked to distract him.

"Yeah." Louis nodded. "That, cravings, nausea, dizziness, sex drive increases, sore nipples, cramps, mood swings, and headaches too."

Harry shot a shocked looked over at Louis. He had no idea he was handling so much symptoms. How did even deal with it?

And it was what he was about to ask but instead what came out was,"Your sex drive increases?"

Louis narrowed his eyes dangerously at him. "That's all you got from that whole list, Harry?"

Harry shook his head immediately. "No, love. Sorry, I meant to ask if you've already dealt with all of them already?"

Louis rolled his eyes and laid his head back on his seat, his hand over his stomach. "Yeah, everything except for sore nipples."

Harry really tried to ignore the fact that Louis basically just told him he's always horny and replaced it with concern because he hadn't known Louis was suffering from so many things at once.

"Why is it so much though?"

"The doctor says it's most likely because I'm carrying two instead of one so it takes a toll on my body. Like, if I was having one baby at this time my stomach wouldn't be as huge as it is now."

"But you're okay right? It's not too bad?" He asked in concern. He really didn't like to hear Louis in so much pain.

"I can handle it, Haz." He looked over and smiled. "I've done this two times before."

"Yeah, but you've never carried twins before."

"True." Louis said breathlessly and then he was grimacing and squeezing his legs together tightly. "Haz, if you don't hurry up I'm gonna piss on your seat."

That got him in gear quick because in a manner of five minutes, Harry was rounding the corner towards the beach house and pulling into the driveway.

Louis eyes were wild as he held onto the door handle. "Christ Harry, you took me near an ocean!?"

He winced."Sorry, sorry. So sorry, love." He unbuckled his seatbelt and rounded the car, pulling Louis door open.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now