Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"No." Came the quick response.


"No, Louis. I'm not going to some stupid gala with people who's head are so far stuck up their arses they can chew their food again on the way down." He walked towards the Victoria Secret thong section of the store.

Louis huffed frustratingly, following after him. "You can't possibly think everyone there is going to be like that."

"And you automatically told Harry yes when he asked you?" Niall raised an eyebrow.


"Exactly." Niall countered, holding up a black laced embedded thong and examining it. "You and I both know we don't fit in with that crowd."

"I know that, Niall. But do you really want me to be there by myself?"

"Tell Harry you're sick or something."

"No." Louis whined. "C'mon Liam's even invited you to be his plus one."He pitched.

And if Louis didn't know any better he could have sworn the blonde lad stood up straighter at the mention of Liam's name.

"So what?" Niall blinked and resumed scouring through the sets of panties.

"Don't think I didn't see the way you two stared at each other at the club."

"It was two seconds of eye contact, Louis." Niall spoke. "Plus, you know Zayn and I are still trying for a relationship."

He crossed his arms."And how's that working out for you?" He stared challengingly at the man. "It's been two weeks."

"Two weeks and we've already fucked on every surface of his flat. I'd say we're pretty exclusive."

Louis screwed his face up."That can't be healthy."

"Well at least we've got some excitement going on in our lives. You guys haven't even had sex yet."

"Of course we had sex already."

Niall snorted loudly causing a few stares."Granny sex more like." The man picked up a red garter set with matching pantie hose and everything.

Louis gasped in shock. "We do not have granny sex. Our sex is pretty amazing, thank you very much."

"Okay." He shrugged then picked up a baby pink lace thong and garter set with a matching colored lace bra. "Then get this and wear it for him."

"Stop switching the subject Niall, we're talking about the party!"

Niall sighed and face palmed himself, nearly dropping the items. "Louis, I'm gonna be so out of my element."

Louis bit his lip, wordlessly nodding.

"Fine, I'll go." He said defeatedly and Louis squeaked in joy until the man raised his hand to silence him. "But you have to buy this and wear it for Harry." He smirked.

Louis huffed, giving the rather cute outfit a leering once over. "Our sex life is perfectly fine, Niall. At the end of day, we're both gonna be naked. That's a waste of money."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now