Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

He didn't know where he was going to be honest, he was pretty sure he was still on the stretched property, but he kept running. It had gotten a little more brisk outside from the time they entered but it didn't stop the tears that streamed down his face.

Suddenly his legs became weak and his whole body felt like it ran out of fuel. He was panting hard, his breaths coming out in short puffs of air as looked around wildly at his surroundings.

He wiped his eyes harshly when he realized he wasn't going to accomplish anything with a blurry vision. The place was instantly unfamiliar to him, large houses rowed across from each other with beautiful green lawns and expensive cars parked in the front.

"Fuck!" He screamed painfully, yanking hard at his hair.

He was such an idiot. Such an idiot to believe anyone could actually love him, that he can ever trust anyone to take care of his heart. He was suddenly rushed with a cold sense of agony when he realized that all of his relationship with Harry must have been a lie. Everything. And no he wasn't being irrational, because if he could so blatantly lie about being fucking married who knows what else he's fibbed about.

And the worst part about it. The worst fucking part that caused gut wrenching sobs to past his lips, was the fact that Harry has met his kids.

He's allowed his beautiful kids to get to know Harry better, to actually someday look up to the man as a possible father figure.

What a fucking idiot he was.

His phone was ringing in his pocket but he didn't feel it. Cars were steadily passing by but he didn't hear it. People were coming out of their houses to check out the noise but he didn't see it.

But what he could feel was his heart slowly dropping to his feet, crashing like a siren against the sidewalk.


"Daddy?" Louis heard his name softly behind the locked bathroom door as he wretched into the toilet violently. He gripped the toilet for dear life trying desperately to will himself to talk.

"Daddy, are you okay?" The question was this time associated with a knock.

"Dad?" There went another voice as he finally coughed out the remainder of his stomach and spat into the toilet.

"Yes boys, I-I-I'm fine." He croaked, his throat like sandpaper. He laid his head on the toilet seat, his whole body exhausted and drained.

Then the door opened slowly revealing his two sons with worried frowns on their faces.

"Are you sure you're okay, daddy?" Xander walked over to him and smoothed his small cherub fingers through Louis hair. Louis sighed wistfully, nodding his head, his eyes then closing on their own accord.

He could vaguely hear the pipe running and then stopping five seconds later and then there was a cool cloth on his forehead.

"I don't know, but I think this should help." Nolan was biting his lip when Louis opened his eyes.

"Thank you, love." He accepted the cloth, holding it for his own. "You boys should be in bed, you've got school tomorrow."

"I heard you throwing up, so I woke Noly up," The toddler said

"I'm fine doves, probably just a stomach flu or something. I'll take some medicine for it, you guys to bed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, fine." He smiles reassuringly.

Turns out he's not fine. The constant nausea, headaches, and vomiting continues for the whole week and doesn't seem to want to stop there. He's missed a whole week of work and doesn't even want to think about the consequences of that.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now