Chapter 31

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At eight months pregnant Louis was full and barely able to walk on his own two feet. Luckily for him, he had the boys and Harry to help him out even while he grouched consistently at them.

Especially since they had finally found a house. It was a beautiful tanned cobblestone house -because Louis refused to call it a mansion- that he had instantly fell in love with when he and Harry visited it. It had 8 bedrooms, 4 washrooms, an extremely big backyard, and a widespread garden in the front. A bit much, but Harry had persuaded him well. Harry had wanted to insert a pool, with votes from the boys, but Louis hadn't been a big fan of it because the house was already so luxurious and then the babies were going to be small.

So basically he won that argument.

They were still getting the stuff from Louis' home into the new house but at the minute, they were living inside the new one. Everyone had their beds and rooms already painted but it was the couches, kitchen things, etcetera, that they had to get moved. The boys loved the house, practically spent the day running all over and checking everything out, what with how huge the house is.

They've never had a room to themselves so he guessed for Xander, since he was smaller, that it would be strange but the toddler embraced the change with open arms.

"What about green, Lou?" Niall's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He stopped the shopping cart from rolling and peered over at the shades of green on the hard paper.

"I know you said blue is too cliche for boys so..."

"I like that shade." He pointed. The shade was clean cut grass green and he could already see how beautiful it would look in the baby room.

"Same, and then you could hire someone to do a cute design or something. You should have a forest themed room!" Niall looked at him with excited eyes.

Louis giggled and started to push the cart again. "That actually sounds like a great idea," he says. They'd already ordered stuff like the cribs and furniture for the room and all they needed now was paint for the room, car seats, and baby clothes. Even though he's been getting tons of clothing from the guys at the club, his mum, and a few friends from school.

It was all a bit overwhelming really but he was finally pushing it away and embracing the excitement.

They looked around the store more, gathering two car seats, chosen baby clothes from Niall, and baby monitors before Louis legs got tired and he started to complain.

"Aren't you suppose to be on bed rest, Lou?" Niall asked, casually sliding over to take Louis position with the cart.

"No." He pouted. "I'm totally fine. The baby isn't due for a good two weeks." They walked towards the register.

Harry had been pestering him about staying off his legs too but honestly he was fine. These symptoms were normal for every carrier, his mum had walked him to his school five blocks away from his home while pregnant with Lottie. He wasn't completely immobile.

"Alright, let's get this quickly checked out so we can get you off your feet." Niall stated. Louis rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement because truth be told, his feet felt like they were becoming swollen all of a sudden.

They checked out the items in a matter of minutes and rolled the cart outside, Niall practically shoved Louis into the car--leaving Louis' mouth agape--while he hefted the heavy car seats into the boot.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now