Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The bus ride was thirty minutes tops as Louis and the boys shuffled into seats, Xander falling to sleep as soon as the bus took motion.

Louis took to raking his hand through his youngest son's hair as he napped peacefully on his lap, the bus engine steadily playing in the background. Nolan had took it upon himself to sit far away from Louis, gazing out the window with his hood over his head.

Hopefully his mood will brighten up when he sees what I got him, Louis thought. He probably shouldn't play into his son's grouchy mood but it was making Louis frustrated, not used to being ignored by his first born.

He had to pick Xander up, careful not to wake the boy, as the bus rolled to the stop a block away from their small home.

"Come on, Nolan." Louis said, looking over his shoulder at Nolan as he walked slowly behind him.

It was unusually hot for a spring day in London but Louis wasn't complaining because with the cold came money needed to be spent to buy jackets and scarfs etc.

In the midst of opening the door and trying to kick off his shoes, Xander ended up waking up, his messy blonde head rising from Louis shoulder.

His blue eyes blinked open slowly."Daddy?"

Louis hummed and pecked a kiss on his head. "Lets get you changed and then you can have something to eat, baby. Does that sound good?"

"Uh huh," The boy mumbled as Louis took him into the boy's shared room.

"Nolan, are you eating first or doing your homework?" Louis asked, changing Xander into his house clothes until bath time.

"Eat," Nolan said walking into the room. He dropped his book bag on the floor. "I don't have a lot of homework today."

"You don't?" Louis spoke, glad the boy was communicating with him again. "Oh, did you give your teacher the money?"

"Yeah," He answered and that was the end of the conversation as he strolled out the room in an old pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt.

Louis sighed in disappointment and started tugging the shirt over Xander's head, the hole of the shirt getting stuck on his head.

Xander giggled behind the shirt. "Daddy, I'm stuck!"

"I'm trying, baby." He laughed, tugging Xander's ears away so it didn't pull on the shirt. "When did your head get so big?"

"My head's not big, daddy." He proclaimed as his head finally got through the shirt, his face was flushed red.

"Of course not, baby." He kissed his forehead and held his hand out for the toddler to hold. Xander grabbed it immediately.

Louis had managed to cook up some chicken stir fry for dinner, which took him two tries to be honest. He was not nearly as good of a cook like his mother but he tried his best to make the meals decent enough, enough if it took him more than one try. Another thing he had accomplished today was a meeting with a dealer that was selling a car for an extremely low price. That was honestly music to his ears because with a car meant no more waking up early in the morning to hop on the bus with the boy's and no more relying on Niall to drop him off to work.

A car was extremely convenient.

The only thing heard in the room as he and the boys ate were the clinking of forks against their plates and the low hum of the air conditioner going in the living room.

He thought it was the perfect time to bring out the surprises.

"So boys, I have a surprise for you." Louis sipped on his water, smiling discreetly behind his glass as he held the gifts under the table.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now