Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Haz, that tickles." He giggled, trying to move his stomach from Harry's lips as the water pelted smoothly over their heads.

Harry only grinned, looking up from his kneeled position on the shower floor, his green eyes twinkling."My baby boys are in there, love."

Louis smiled lightly and giggled again, raked a hand through Harry's wet hair. "Yes, Haz you've got your own person footie team in there. You're happy now?"

"I would have been happy with any gender, Lou." He spoke, a smirk playing on his lips. "But I wouldn't mind a footie team."

Louis rolled his eyes and tugged on a curly strand. Harry laughed and stood up, melting their lips together under the warm water. Louis was laughing despite himself, an overwhelming amount of happiness consuming him. The water was fogging his vision a little but it didn't matter as Harry wrapped his large arms around Louis waist and pressed him against the shower wall.

Harry's fingers were rubbing small circles into his hips, as the kiss got deeper. Louis took it all and then some, clutching Harry's broad back for leverage as his knees got wobbly and heat spiraled up his spine.

When they pulled back, both panting harshly, Harry's eyes were round and blown with lust. It made Louis shiver involuntarily, his hole clenching wantonly.

Harry leaned forward and nipped at his bottom lip, sending a whimper past Louis lips."Want you."

Fuck, did he want to also. He could already envision Harry pressing him against the wall with only one hand and fucking into him desperately. He swallowed thickly, his stomach tightening. "The kids are home."

Harry breathed hot air into his face as he leaned closer and trailed kisses down Louis jawline. They were light and chaste, leaving full room for imagination. "We can be quiet."

His mind was telling him this wasn't such a good idea but his body was screaming for the man to take him. Five months, he reminded himself. It's been bloody five months.

"Fuck it." He gasped and smashed their lips together. Their lips fused roughly, open mouthed and dirty, obscenely licking and tangling their tongues in passion. Harry's hand came up to cradle Louis head against the wall, arching it up slightly so he had access to Louis neck.

Louis tightened his arm around the man, raking his fingers down the strong muscles of Harry's back as he gritted his teeth from crying out. Harry sucked a bit at him whilst his hips were grinding forward, their cocks rubbing heatedly against each other. He could hear the man panting breathlessly even against the harsh fall of the shower.

"Harry," he cried out as one particular spot on his neck was stimulated roughly.

"Bedroom" He released his mouth and muttered. Louis nodded profusely, accepting the man's hand as he helped him out the shower. Louis body was steaming, his whole body licked with flames as he watched Harry lock the bedroom door before gathering Louis body in his arms again. Luckily, the boy's were already sleeping but it didn't mean that they could be loud.

His moans were muffled though as Harry groped his bum with his large hands and walked them backwards to the bed, carefully laying Louis on his back.

Louis body was wet and most likely they'd have to change the sheets before going to sleep. He wasn't really bothered with that though because he was too busy biting his fists as Harry hovered over him, licking and biting at his clavicle before brushing his moist lips down his body.

Louis was panting harshly, his face hot and his body flushing as Harry neared his puffy nipples.

"They hurt, babe?" Harry asked, looking up at him with dark dilated eyes. Louis bit his lip and nodded slowly.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now