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Four years later...

"Don't forget to call me everyday and make sure you eat every meal and make sure..." He was suddenly stopped as someone unexpectedly came behind him and flew their arms around his waist, pulling him back.

"Lou, I think he's got it." Harry chuckled, whispering in his ears. "He'll be fine."

"But but but..." Louis felt his lips wobble uncontrollably as Nolan smiled shyly, shifting on his feet. He was tall now, Harry's height to be exact, and Louis hated it. He didn't want his son to grow up, he didn't want him to go to college and definitely didn't want to see him leave.

"Don't worry guys, I'll take care of him." Chrissy said beside him and the moment Nolan looked down at the smaller boy you could instantly tell they were in love. Dating for almost two years, Louis would be surprised if his son wasn't already wrapped around Chrissy's finger.

"Yeah, I'll call you everyday." Nolan smiled at Louis then quickly gave him a peck on the cheek before grabbing Chrissy's luggage.

Louis pouted and watched as Harry and Nolan gave each other their secret eye, almost like they were communicating something. Now he was curious. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at the taller man.

"What was that about?"

"Noth..." Harry started then sighed as he saw Louis unblinking stare. "I just told him to be safe...as in condoms and such."

"He's having sex?" Louis mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. How did he not know this?"He told you that? When?"

Harry laughed at the tragic look on Louis face and basically dragged him to the car.

"He's had sex?" Louis asked ten minutes into the drive back home.

Harry looked hesitant but answered anyway. "Yeah...Lou, he didn't want you to make a big deal out of it."

Louis scoffed. He wouldn't have made a big deal out of it but he was hurt Nolan only told Harry.

"You smother him, love."

"I don't smother!"

"In his words," Harry added quickly. "He just asked for advice on...certain things."

"Like what?" Louis asked. "Wait, matter of fact, when did you guys even have this conversation?"

"Now that, you'll have to speak to him about." He pulled the car in the driveway.

Louis was suddenly really depressed. Not because his oldest didn't tell him he was having sex but this would be the first time Nolan's been away for so long and he probably wouldn't return until Christmas. And even though Xander was only ten, he knew he'd be next to leave him.

"Babe, stop stressing. Okay?" Harry looked him in the eyes, catching Louis change of moods. "You've still got three more in there to worry about."

Louis sighed sadly. "You're right. Its just...they grow up so fast."

"I know, babe." He kissed the crown of Louis head then opened the car door, pulling himself out.

"Papa!" He smiled as he saw the twins barreling for Harry's legs. Their hair was unruly as usual, inheriting Harry's curls and also his love for long hair. And after seeing that neither Xander or Harry wanted to cut their hair, they followed suit, much to Louis dismay.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now