Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Daddy can we have this too?" Xander held up the box of Trix cereal, the fourth box he's picked up thus far, and grinned with hope in his eyes.

Louis hesitated. "Baby, I think we have enough cereal."

"I want this one!" The toddler whined, kicking his foot up and down in the cart that Louis was currently pushing around the store. Nolan stood at the side of them on his phone.

"We'll get it next time, love."

"No,daddy! Now!" Xander yelled and then threw the box on the floor, the box sliding across the tiled floor.

Louis gasped in shock and narrowed his eyes at the sulking toddler "Xander you do not throw things."He scolded the boy. "Stop with the bloody tantrum, young man."

Xanders eyes filled with fresh tears, his lips wobbling. Louis sighed in aggravation, he so was not in the mood for this. Xander had been a right pest this whole morning so he wasn't even going to try to entertain the toddler. He was barely keeping himself from collapsing on the floor as it is.

He was incredibly tired and in need of a nice long nap. Last night he had worked extra hours which was absolute torture because Monday nights were usually crowded as fuck. And to make it worse, he had been woken up early in the morning because Nolan and Xander decided to play in the kitchen and accidentally dropped the glass mug Louis had placed the beautiful flowers Harry had gave him.

He had to clean up the mess even with his eyes half closed just to make sure none of the boys stepped on it, but like he said his eyes were barely open and the minute he laid his head back on his pillow he heard Xander's yell from the kitchen. It took Louis a good half an hour to quiet the boy down so he could get the glass out his foot.

To say the least, his morning had been a complete disaster. So the guilt he felt from ignoring Xander's tears will probably hit him later but right now he had a splitting headache and his eyes were too close to shutting to bother with him.

He rolled the cart down the isle picking out some more necessities. He had neglected to buy groceries last week because he was just too lazy to get off his arse so now he needed to stock up more than usual.

When he was finished he rolled the cart down towards the register, inwardly groaning when he saw the long line.

He was watching Xander fiddle with his red power ranger when suddenly through the corner of his eye he saw a petite boy probably 4'11 come up to Xander with a wide smile on his face.

Louis eyes widened a little at the child's outfit. He wore a bright pink tutu with purple leggings, an every color of the rainbow tie dye shirt and a tiara over his curly blonde hair.

Louis watched fascinated as his son's face lit up brightly when he saw the kid.

"Hi Nolan!" The boy's voice was high though not to the point of irritation. Louis also sensed he had a sort of Irish tilt to his voice.

"Hi, Chrissy. What are you doing here?" Nolan hugged his friend quickly and then pulled back.

"I'm shopping with me da' for some groceries." He stated and then his eyes made contact with Louis. Chrissy?- looked back and forth between Nolan and Louis and then broke out into another wide smile, his hazel eyes glinting.

"Is that your da'?" He asked, pointing towards Louis.

Louis smiled hesitantly and gave a little wave when Nolan turned to him.

"Dad, this is my friend Chrissy. He's new to my school."

"It's nice to meet you, Chrissy." Louis spoke lightly. "Your outfit is gorgeous, love." Louis wasn't lying either, it did look like a rainbow vomited all over him but Louis always appreciated uniqueness. This world was too bland.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now