Chapter 19

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Double update cause I couldn't stand that last one.
Chapter 19

Harry's POV

"Harry open this fucking door right now!"

His whole body jolted in surprise at the intrusive noise and then he was groaning at the pounding bullets being shot to his brain. He clutched his head in his hands.

"Open the fucking door, man!" It was Liam. Banging on his bloody door like a goddamn madman.

He sighed into the couch and blinked blearily up at the ceiling, his mind a blank canvas. What did he even do last night?

He couldn't remember a damn thing but from the mess of empty bottles of the floor he could quickly guess right away the events of the previous night.


He cringed again at the loud sound."Fuck, I'm coming." He yelled back and agonizingly rolled himself out the couch and stumbled to the door, pulling it open.

"Christ, you look like hell." Liam scrunched his nose up as he got a good look of Harry's condition. "And why does it smell like a fucking bar in here?"

"What do you want, Liam?" He stumbled away, grabbing a lone pair of joggers from the floor and sliding it onto his legs. He didn't even care for the huge stain on the knee of the cotton trousers.

He turned to look at his best mate scouring his eyes around the room in disgust. Harry took a moment to witness the scene too, pizza boxes and slices on the floor, empty bottles on the floor and stains on the white couch. He winced internally.

"Niall told me what happened." His eyes turned to the sound of Liam's voice and stared at him blankly.

Liam stuffed his hands inside his pockets. "How did he find out?"

"My mother." He spat venomously and dropped his body on the couch, running a hand through his greasy hair. It's been a couple days, he thinks."He didn't even give me a chance to explain."

"Well to be fair, I think anyone would completely shut down once they hear they've been sleeping with a married man."

At Harry's firm glare, Liam shrugged. "You should have told him beforehand."

"He wouldn't understand."

"You didn't give him the chance to because you didn't tell him and now you've lost him, Harry."

"How am I supposed to tell him that I've been married the whole time we were together because Tristan is c*nt, Liam? He'll think I'm batshit crazy."

"Telling him the truth by yourself would have been a much better blow than having your mother do it."

Harry sighed long and hard in despair before dropping his head into his hands. "I don't know what to do, Li. I love him so much, I didn't think she would ever stoop that low."

"If you love him so much, why are you not trying to pick yourself up and start coming up with ideas how to win him back? Instead you're stuck wallowing in your own filth. Look at you, mate." Harry rose his head up and pouted at the man. "You look like you haven't bathed for a month."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now