Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Dad?" Louis looked up from his laptop as Nolan walked into the room.

"Hey, Noly." He smiled softly and patted the empty pot next to him. "Whats wrong?"

The teen walked over to the bed and sat down, his body turned to Louis but his feet planted on the ground. "Nothing happened, I just want to ask a question."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Promise you won't say no?" Nolan shot him a hopeful smile.

Louis squinted his eyes behind his framed glasses and crossed his arms. "Thats definitely not a promise."

"Then promise you'll consider it?"


"Fine fine." The teen huffed a short breath. "So, uh, this weekend dad is going to Spain to-"

"Nope." Louis dismissed. There was no way in hell.

Nolan's jaw dropped in shock. "You didn't even let me finish!"

"I didn't have to, Nolan." He stated simply going back to his laptop. "You're not going with him."

"But its only for two days." The teen cried out in despair. "And he'll be watching me the whole time and he said he'll pay for everything!"

"I can't trust your father, Nolan. And what about your brother, you're gonna leave him all by himself?"

"He's not even old enough to go to the game!"

Louis sighed frustratingly pressing the heel of his hand against his temple to soothe the oncoming headache.

He looked up."Nolan, your father is not reliable and you and him going all the way to Spain for some game doesn't seem reasonable." He said slowly. "Why don't you just go with Xander and Harry to the beach on Saturday?"

"Because I don't like him, okay?" Louis flinched at his harsh tone. "Stop trying to make him like he's our dad."

The room filled with silence, Louis staring at his son in absolute shock.

"You haven't even tried to get know him." Louis said in a small voice. "That's not how I raised you, Nolan. You don't judge before you get to know them. You of all people should know that." He hinted at the encounter with Nolan's friend the other day.

The teens head dropped down shamefully with realization then Louis felt his heart drop when Nolan looked back up and his eyes were glossy. "But I do know what he wants. He's gonna tell you not to let us go to dad's anymore and then he'll try to take up all your time and dad will never get back together."

And there it was.

There went the reason why Nolan's been so distant and so devoted to his father. Louis almost blames himself, no, he does blame himself because Nolan doesn't know why he had broken up with Drew. He doesn't know that his father is lying scumbag who lied about his whereabouts and Louis had to walk in on him and some guy fucking in their bed.

"Drew." He breathed, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. He looked back at the blue eyed boy painfully. "Your father and I can never get back together."

"Why not?"

Louis swallowed. "He...he did something very bad to me that I can never forgive him for."

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