Chapter 5

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(My beautiful Hazza)
Chapter 5

Louis was woken up by the immediate alert of his body feeling extremely overheated and suffocated and the overwhelming need to release his bladder.

He blinked his eyes open and then turned his head, blinking again as he saw an arm, a fairly large one at that, and a curly tangled mess of chocolate hair decorated artfully beside him.


His bladder and fatigue forgotten, his mind brought back to lasts nights events. His body flushed even hotter as he remembered how he practically attacked Harry while coming into the door, an exceeding amount of sexual frustration controlling whatever came out of his mouth and his actions.

He especially remembered the moment Harry came. He remembered how his green eyes had darkened by several shades and how he held eye contact with Louis as if looking away would hinder his release. It was awe inspiring to watch and to hear the way he spoke Louis name and the way his fingers grazed and memorized every indent of his body. Louis shivered just thinking about it.

"You're awake?" A voice rumbled beside him. Louis felt his heart pick up as Harry released his tight grip on his body and raised his head up blearily, his half lidded green eyes revealing themselves.

"Yeah," Louis breathed.

Harry smiled slowly, blinking twice before speaking. "You're really comfortable, you know?"

Louis giggled, shaking his head. "Well, thank you. But now I'm hot as hell. You're a freaking furnace."

Harry's beamed, his green eyes twinkling in the light. "You make me hot."

"Get off of me you cornball." Louis laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he shoved Harry off half-heartedly.

"What?" Harry whined innocently, nevertheless bringing his body up to a sitting position. "I'm serious."

Louis rolled his eyes and sat up as well, his full bladder reappearing again. "I'll be right back. You can get dressed and make yourself comfortable. I'll come out to make breakfast soon." He walked towards the bathroom whiled Harry just nodded and grabbed his pants. Louis didn't even want to glance at the mirror.

Unfortunately he's always slightly been a masochist and after brushing his teeth without looking at the mirror, he finally gives up and glanced at his reflection.

And he nearly screamed bloody murder.

His eyes were smudged horrifically by with eyeliner and mascara. His hair looked like a fucking nest for birds and he had hickies littered across the expanse of his exposed neck. Well that part wasn't so bad to be completely truthful, it actually was kind of sexy how Harry marked his claim on him.

Though Louis had no idea how the man didn't run away after seeing Louis like this in the morning. It took Louis practically half an hour to piss, take a quick shower, fix his horrendous face, and lotion his body before he walked out the bathroom.

Louis smiled when he saw that Harry had made the bed for him. Brilliantly so too. Unlike himself, Harry made sure all the edges of the bed were tucked in tightly and the blanket was practically crease free over the bed. Harry was definitely scoring some brownie points here.

Louis quickly changed into some yoga pants and a short sleeve tank before walking towards the kitchen.

He inwardly cringed at himself when he saw Harry sitting on the couch patiently scrolling through his phone. Louis hadn't realized how long he took.

"I'm sorry I took so long," He said walking into the kitchen.

Harry looked up and gave Louis a pleasant smile. "It's quite alright. I didn't even notice how long you spent, I was just checking my emails."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now