Chapter 26

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Btw guys, I don't know if you've noticed, but the update schedule is every three days XD Only cause I have way too much hw and I don't want to give you half-assed writings.

Chapter 26

"Hi, guys!" Louis beamed brightly as he saw Harry and the boys coming towards him. Harry was smiling brightly as well as Nolan. Xander came running towards him full speed.

"Careful careful, love." He laughed, halting the grinning toddler before he threw both of them down. He crouched down and embraced Xander into his arms, squeezing him tightly.

He held the toddler back, placing his hands on his shoulders as he accessed him from head to toe. "How are you, love? Okay?" He asked, smiling at the cute bun at the back his head.

"I'm okay," Xander replied cheerfully. "You did really good, daddy. Did you hear me clapping?"

"Thank you, baby. And of course I heard you clapping." He mused. He didn't in fact hear anyone clapping, really. What with all the shrill buzzing in his ear and the adrenaline running through his veins. It had felt like such a rush being on top that stage.

He stood up slowly as Harry and Nolan reached, first reaching down to give Noly a firm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You were so good, dad." Nolan complimented, grinning widely. Louis smiled and hugged him firmer.

He moved onto the tall beaming man next who also had his hair in a bun behind his hair, a loose curl tucked behind his ear. Harry shot him a toothy smile.

Louis felt himself blush and rose to his toe to peck a chaste kiss to Harry's lips. Without warning, the man wrapped his long arms around Louis body, his bump protruding between them, and pressed their lips together harder.

They became aware of the small sounds of disgust and they both pulled apart with a laugh, pressing their foreheads together. His lips were moist and tingling with electricity.

"Hi." Harry breathed.

"Hi." Louis grinned back at him. He took a second to appreciate the beauty of Harry's mossy green eyes and perfect dimples.

"Thank you for last night," Louis hugged him again, reveling at the way his hands were tiny against Harry's broad back.

He shivered as Harry kissed the tip of his ear. "It was my pleasure," the man whispered back.

They pulled back with a small laugh, glancing down at the boys.

"Were you guys good to Harry?" Louis asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes." They replied in unison. Louis smiled and ruffled their hair.

"They were perfect." Harry smiled reassuringly. Louis looked a bit skeptically at the boys but realized lately they havent given him any reasons to why he'd feel worried about something like that. He felt, even Nolan was succumbing to the idea of Harry being around.

"Well I'd say we go out but I'm really tired and tomorrow I've got an appointment." He pouted. The performance was amazing but it had took a toll on his body. He felt so dreary and tired and could probably knock off while standing up.

"Are you staying over?" He asked Harry, waving a goodbye to one of the cast members as they all walked to Harry's car.

"You want me to?"

"Sure." He shrugged. "It'll be more convenient cause the appointment's in the morning."

"Alright, I'll stay then."

"You can make dinner too," Louis stated, shooting Harry a smirk as he fixed Xander in his carseat.

The man laughed, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "No problem," He replied.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now