Chapter 6

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(Harry's car)
Chapter 6

"Niall threatened you, didn't he?" Louis spoke through the silence of the car. A new car by the way, small and fast and way less intimidating than the last car Harry drove in.

Harry smiled over at him. "Yeah, he did," He replied. "Its true he did martial arts as a teen then?"

Louis snorted."Yeah, he took it serious too. He went to the states for championships and all that."

"Did he win?"

Louis shrugged. "Most of them," He spoke. "But after awhile he got bored and quit."

Harry nodded but didn't say anything else after that, his eyes focused on the road. The drive was placed in a comfortable silence until they pulled up to an Italian restaurant that looked way classier than Louis had expected. It even had a freaking valet.

"Um, Harry." His eyes were wide as they pulled up to the valet section.

Louis felt as Harry placed his hand on the bare flesh of Louis that rested on his seat. Louis turned his head, looking at the man who had a reassuring smile on his face.

"Don't let it overwhelm you," He seemed to read Louis mind. "I didn't take you here to show off my money. I took you here cause their food is quite amazing actually and they don't serve small portions."

Louis giggled lightly at that, relief flooding through him. Harry grinned back at him then gave his hand a squeeze before exiting the car.

The restaurant did in fact look expensive inside as it did outside but Louis tried not to become overwhelm by it. Though it was the light smiles Harry was shooting him constantly and the fact that Harry was holding his hand like they were a couple, that made Louis heartbeat steady just a little.

The people here all looked carved and poised, Louis noticed as they sat down across from each other. They all were dressed neat and cut in suits and the woman skirts with designer heels.

"This place is like my worst nightmare," Louis muttered softly. "How have you not turned into one of these people yet?" Harry had to know what he was doing taking out a bartender from a strip club to a restaurant like this. Louis was definitaely not in his element.

Harry looked at Louis and laughed half-heartedly. "Its not a cult, Louis."

"It feels like it." Louis whispered to himself and picked up the menu. His eyes nearly bulged out of its eye sockets when he saw the prices of the food.

Harry frowned over the table."Get anything you want, Louis and stop looking at the prices."

As if.

"I can't help it," He whined, staring at Harry begrudgingly."This is all so new."

Harry sighed and placed his menu on the table. He looked like he was about to say something when suddenly the waiter made an appearance.

"Good evening gentlemen, my name is Leon and I'll be your server tonight." He smiled with all his teeth and Louis noticed he was kind of handsome. He had dark skin and friendly green eyes. "Can I offer you gentlemen a drink before we start your first course?"

"Yeah, we'll just have your best red wine, please." Harry answered. Leon nodded and promised his return before leaving.

Louis bit his lip as Harry picked up his menu silently. "I'm sorry," He spoke up.

Harry lowered the menu and sighed heavily, raking a hand through his hair. "I'm not mad at you Louis."

"You should be, I'm acting like a kid. Its just that the most expensive place I've ever been was Applebees, so its weird for me."

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now