Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Harry's POV

"Woah, this is so cool!" Harry watched in the rear view mirror as the boys smashed their faces to the windows to get a good look at the house.

"Is it?" He smiled, rolling into the drive then pressing a button for the garage door to open.

"Are you rich?" Nolan asked, reaching forward as best as the seatbelt restraint would let him.

"I do have a really important job, yeah." Harry acknowledged and parked the car into it's assigned spot.

His job tonight, or well he wouldn't call it a job exactly, was to watch the kids tonight. Louis has an overnight trip with his class to a theatre where they would be performing tomorrow late in the evening. Knowing this, Harry had immediately offered to watch them before Louis could even consider calling Drew, Niall, or any other person he asks to babysit the boys.

To be honest, he was a little offended when Louis became hesitant at his proposal. And it felt like a kick in his gut because he did indeed ask Louis to move in with him and he's never even watched the boys before. It was shameful, and he promised himself he would try to do this every so often so the boys would get used to the environment where he was always around. And all he had to do was take care of them tonight until tomorrow evening where he would take them to see Louis perform. Easy.

"Do you wanna help with your bags, Nolan?" Harry asked getting out the Escalade and walking towards the backseat. He opened the door and looked in as Nolan nodded and took his seatbelt off. Xander was trying to take off the seatbelt from his carseat.

Harry shot Nolan a grateful smile and then helped Nolan out his carseat, the boy scrambling out the car when he was finally free.

With crystal blue eyes identical to Louis he peered up at Harry's towering height then lifted his arms up in question. "Lift?"

Harry winced internally because that was definitely one of the rules Lou gave him. 'Don't pick up Xander because he needs to learn to walk on his own two feet' and then the smaller man had went on to tell him that he'd come dependent on people carrying him and all that.

But the problem was that Xander had the same hypnotizing blue eyes as his dad and Harry simply couldn't say no so he sighed and lifted the toddler into his arms. Instantly, his small legs latched around his abdomen and he started giggling.

"No more lifts after this, okay?" He scolded lightly, smiling at Nolan as he took one of their overnight bag-backs.

"Sure." The toddler replied.

"Do you have X-box?" Nolan asked as Harry fidgeted with the keys, trying to open the front door.

Harry peered down at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, I don't use it though."

"Then why do you have it?"

Honestly, he had just bought the device today because he knew Louis had one at his and the boy's would want something to do, but they didn't have to know that.

"Because I have a friend that comes over to play it sometimes." Harry lied, releasing a silent noise of triumph as he turned the lock and the door opened.

"Go ahead." He nudged his head for Nolan to proceed and with one hand, held onto the bag pack tightly while the other held a firm lock on Xander's back.

"This is so cool. Your house looks like one I've seen in a magazine." Nolan looked around with his jaw dropped. Xander's eyes were wide in interest too, taking in the scenery. He had taken them to the white modern built house he brought Louis to last time.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now