Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Xander don't pull his hair too hard," Louis laughed at the painful look on Harry's face as the toddler braided the man's long hair.

"It's fine," Harry practically squeaked. Nolan and Louis laughed together from their spot on the couch as Harry's head was pulled completely to the left as Xander raked a brush through it, catching on some tangles.

"You're gonna be bald by the time he's finished," Nolan said, placing a card face down between Louis and himself. They were currently playing a clean game of I Declare War, which Louis happened to lose the first three games already.

"No, he's not!" Xander protested. "He's gonna look so pretty when I'm finished. Right, Harry?"

"Of course, love." Harry spoke up. "I think they're just jealous cause we both have long hair." Harry smirked.

The toddler bursted out into fits of giggles, nearly wacking Harry in the head with the brush. "I didn't think of that."

Nolan scoffed while Louis simply rolled his eyes. "We don't want long hair."

"You're gonna be jealous cause my little brothers will have long hair too!" Xander stuck his tongue out. Louis chuckled in amusement when Harry mimicked the toddler.

It was such a lazy day for them. The boy's had two more weeks before school started again and they were all pretty buzzing about the twin boys that's arrive in almost three months. To say the boy's were ecstatic to be older brothers to the twins was an understatement. When they came in with the news it was all smiles and kisses to Louis stomach from Xander.

Only thing he had to do was tell them about the move. Harry and him were prolonging the talk for the main reason being Nolan. He was older and more mature than his age lets on so it was justified that he could possibly be against the move.

"So, I didn't ask you guy's what you thought about Harry's house," He stated casually, placing a card down and ignoring Harry's eye contact.

"It was so big and the bed was gigantic," Nolan commented, smiling. "The tub too!" Xander added cheerfully.

"Yeah?" He laughed.

"Yeah, and you should have seen the telly dad. It was almost bigger than this couch." Nolan said a little wide eyed.

"It's not that big, Nolan." Harry laughed in amusement.

The teen shrugged. "Close enough to it. It is pretty big though."

Louis nodded considerably and placed another card down. This game really wasn't going anywhere. "So what do you guys think about moving, you know, to a bigger house than this so we can all live together?" He tried casually but didn't miss the way Nolan tensed up, his movements stilling.

"What?" He looked up at Louis with wide blue eyes. "Move where?"

"Like, away from here, to a bigger house so we can all fit." Louis stammered a little nervously.

"The twins won't exactly be able to fit in here. Don't you want a place with bigger space?"

"We can have our own rooms?" Xander pitched in, his eyebrows furrowed.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now