Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Christmas and Louis birthday flew by quickly with mainly everyone adjusting to the two new members of the family. They all spent four days in Paris for Louis birthday, which was an experience in itself because he's never flew on the plane with two newborns before.

He could for sure differentiate their personalities by now though. Micah was the quiet but friendly one and Luca was loud and always called for attention. His mum told him he was the same as Luca when he was a child, always quick to grab an audiences attention.

With all the exuberant energy floating because of the babies and the new year commencing that also meant Louis was exceptionally calm and lighthearted, hence him forgiving Harry's mother.

Around the second week of January he had rung her up and asked for a quiet lunch date with just himself and her. Harry obviously wasn't happy because he wanted to be there too but Louis thought it was best if they did it alone where there were no boundaries.

She was truthfully only trying to protect her son because it was how she was raised as a child with wealth. It still didn't make up for the things she did or said but it was a new year and he was ready to let bye gones be bye gones for his family's sake.

They weren't necessarily going to be all cupcakes and cookies but he could tolerate her enough to actually meet the twins.

It was the middle of February when Harry decided on date night, foreign words to both of them since they've both been so swamped with work and the kids and also setting up the pool. It finally was decided after Xander had asked for it as a birthday gift.

"You gonna be good for Uncle Ni, huh Munchkin?" Big round unblinking blue eyes stared up at Louis as he snapped the diaper sides towards the center, sealing it.

Micah just stared wide eyed at his dad as the man leaned over to lift him off the changing table.

"Babe, have you seen my black jacket?" Harry asked whilst walking into the room. His hair was pulled back into a bun and his button down was left wide open. Louis took a second to appreciate his tanned pectorals.

"Huh?" He asked again, using one hand to steady Micah as he started fidgeting in his grips. The newborn was the most fond of Harry and always wanted to be in his arms. It made Louis a little jealous.

"My black jacket? It's not in the closet." Harry said and smiled lovingly at his son. He walked up to Louis and took the willing three month old out of his arms. Louis pouted jealously as Micah started giggling at the faces Harry made him.

"Its in the wash. Have you not got anymore, richie rich?"

"That was my favorite though. It was the one you bought me for Christmas." He pouted while laying Micah's head on his shoulder.

Oh, that jacket. Louis internally winced and could vaguely remember mindlessly picking up the jacket to clean up the mess of food on the floor in the twins room. Luca was throwing a tantrum and threw the bowl of mashed vegetables all over the floor.

"Uh....I don't think that jacket looks nice with that color shirt anyway." He lied, dramatically examining the baby blue striped dress shirt. "You shouldn't wear a jacket at all actually."


Louis hummed and bent over at the waist to pick up the disregarded baby dirty clothes. "Did you feed Luca?" He asked, throwing the dirty clothes in the giraffe printed hamper.

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