Chapter 4

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(Harry's car)
Chapter 4

"Holy shit, this is your car?" Louis gaped at the large silver, with a tinge of gold, escalade parked in front of the club. It was huge enough to probably take up to two parking spaces.

Harry laughed at the look on Louis face. "Yeah, it wasn't exactly the car I asked for but-"

"Wait you just bought it?"Louis interrupted.

"Yeah, this morning I picked it up. I was definitaely going for something smaller but I'm not complaining."

"You didn't see the car before you ordered it?" Louis frowned, confused.

"Not exactly...I uh." Harry scratched the back his neck. "I have someone who does the whole shopping for cars and houses for me."

"Holy shit! Really?" Louis doubled over in laughter. "How many bloody cars do you have?" Louis teased, his eyes crinkling in heavy amusement.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Haha." And then Louis became suddenly hyperaware of the man directly behind him as Harry leaned over and opened the car door for him, his minty breath lifting fine hairs at the back of Louis neck.

Embarrassingly enough, Louis needed help to climb up the monster car, shivering when Harry placed a hand on exposed flesh of his hips to lift him in.

The car had a very distinct smell of new leather with a hint of Harry's manly cologne. Louis inhaled the smell deeply, letting the air sink his body further into the cool seat.

"So this person that buys your cars and the lot is kind of like your assistant?" Louis asked when Harry started up the car and turned the wheel before taking off down the road.

"Well I guess you can call her that." Harry shrugged. "Its not because I'm too lazy or anything-"

"You're just busy."

Harry looked at him briefly and smiled approvingly. "Yeah, I'm pretty much always busy all the time and have no time to do all the extra stuff like buying cars and all that."

"I understand," Louis replied genuinely. Harry's life was the polar opposite of his own and even though he was richer than Louis by millions it wasn't like he flaunted it. If anything, Harry seemed almost embarrassed by the fact that he was lucky enough to been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

The drive was amazingly smooth, something he wasn't exactly used to. It almost felt like he was in an airplane, not that he'd ever been in one. But what he imagined an airplane to feel like.

He also tried to be subtle when glancing over at Harry, appreciating the way his lean muscles bulged again his all black suit and the way his curls framed his perfect face. He especially loved that once again the man's shirt was unbuttoned slightly so that his pecs were showing. Secretly, Louis wished that he could one day have the chance to suck on Harry's tanned pecs and taste his clean shaven skin.

To say the least, his short denim cutoffs had tightened over the span of seven minutes and he didn't know whether to blame it on Harry's compelling body or the overwhelming need to have sex thats been long overdue.

Louis crossed his legs, drawing Harry's eyes to him.

"You okay?" He frowned, finally pulling up beside Louis flat.

Louis hesitated before biting his bottom lip. "Do you want to come inside?"

Harry's eyes widened slightly and his mouth formed an 'O'.


"Shit," Louis cursed as their bodies smashed into the coat hanger. Louis clenched his legs tighter against Harry and gave into the overwhelming amount of heat consuming his body.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now