Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"...and Louis, Zayn's got a fucking tongue piercing and it-"

Louis zoned Niall's voice out as he concentrated on not poking his own eyeballs out with the mascara. This wasn't the first time Niall's been gushing over Zayn and his 'sexual talents'. It was all he could talk about and it was driving Louis off the bloody wall.

"Are you even listening to me?" Niall pouted and Louis rose a perfectly fleeked eyebrow at him.

"Not at all, Nialler." He mumbled around the light pink lip gloss he was applying.

"Bitch," Niall grumbled and threw a makeup brush at him. Louis laughed as he dodged the throw.

"Is Harry here tonight?" Niall asked pinching his cheeks a little to give it some color.

"He should be."

"How have you two been?"

Louis couldn't resist the large grin that spread across his cheeks. "Really really good." Harry had been so consistent over the past two weeks. He took Louis out to dinners and the movies and they even went to see a car show together. They've communicated a lot and Louis was growing fonder and fonder the more Harry stayed around him.

"Really really good as in the sex is really really good?" Niall's blue eyes twinkled, waggling his eyebrow suggestively.

Louis rolled his eyes. "No, you horndog. We haven't even had sex yet."

Niall's jaw dropped in shock. "You're not serious, are you?"

"I am," Louis gave him a crooked smiled. "We have fooled around in random places though." Like the car, the back of the movie theaters, the fancy bathrooms at the restaurants Harry took him to. They simply couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"Why haven't you then?"

"Our schedules are all fucked up. Harry works in the day time when I'm alone at home and I work at night when he's off work. He only takes some hours off so we go out together."

Niall hummed in understanding. "I see. Why doesn't he just come home with you after you finish work?"

"Because the kids are there. I'm not having sex with him while Nolan and Xander are sleeping in the next room." Louis scrunched his nose up. "That's weird. Plus, he hasn't even met them yet."

"And when are you planning to do that?"

"Soon." Louis answered dismissively and stood up, wobbling a little in his 6 inch stilettos. Louis wasn't much for heels but these made his legs look longer than usual. Not to mention the already extremely revealing strapless leather leotard with a long dip in between his pecks that he had to put on. It was two steps closer to falling under the dress code labeled 'stripper'.

Niall wore the same stilettos but his were black and probably about an inch shorter than his own. Niall had placed on tight red shorts to cover the bottom half of his leotard because he was complaining about his arse looking weird.

The club hasn't opened yet, it still had another ten minutes before it opened but with permission from his boss he was allowed to bring Harry back here since he was his boyfriend.


Louis felt himself flush from head to toe when he and Niall sauntered outside the dressing room and Harry's eyes had found his, waiting by the seats in the hallway leading to the club. Harry's gaze had own latched onto his eyes for a second before it tracked its way slowly down Louis body.

Heat flourished his skin and he vaguely heard Niall cough awkwardly before moving towards the employee bathroom.

He shot Louis a quick smirk and sauntered away.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now