Chapter 2

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I'm gonna apologize beforehand for the overload of child/parent fluff. I'll try to cool it down after this chapter or the following one after the next XD
Chapter 2

"Boys it's time to get up!" Louis tried to call over the sizzling bacon on the stove. It was seconds later that Louis heard footsteps bounding out their room.

"Bacoooon!" Louis couldn't control the bright smile that made its way to his face as Xander ran in the kitchen, blue eyes gleaming as he looked at the stove.

"Hey, what about me?" Louis fiend offense.

"Daaaaddddy!" Xander corrected himself and rammed into Louis legs. Louis laughed, placing the spatula down before collecting the ball of joy into his arms.

He smothered the boy with millions of kisses. "How's my baby boy? You ready for school?"

Xander pouted. "No." Then his lips pulled up, grinning largely. "But I'm ready for bacon."

Louis rolled his eyes and released the toddler. "It'll be ready in a minute. Please go wake your brother up for me."

"Okay daddy," He replied and then he was speeding out the kitchen. Louis never understood how kids have so much energy. He had to practically drag himself out of bed this morning at five smack o' clock so that he can wash up and start breakfast. He had four hours of sleep basically but it was all for the kids and really, that was all that mattered.

He wasn't sure how he was going to go about the day step by step but he knew he had to make a stop at the bank before he dropped the kids off because he needed to give Nolan the money for his trip.

Speaking of Nolan, the pre-teen came out dragging his feet, his hair a short mess and his eyes still practically closed.

"'Morning, Nolan." Louis spoke, serving the bacon and toast onto small plates.

"Morning," Nolan grumbled. "Why'd you send Xander to wake me up?"

"Because you have to get up for school and you refused to get up when I yell." Louis laughed, giving Nolan a look that said 'obviously' as he got the orange juice from the fridge.

"But he jumps on me. That's no way to wake up in the morning." Nolan whined, situating himself in a seat.

"Well, next time you'll get up when I tell you to. I know your brother is brushing his teeth, why aren't you doing the same?" Louis rose an eyebrow at him.

"Going," He mumbled and walked out the kitchen. It never ceased to amaze Louis how uncannily similar Nolan and his father was. They both hated mornings, both slept like the dead, both like deafening silence when watching a movie and not to mention their face. It was quite scary that they practically looked like twins, down to his hair to the pads of his feet. The only thing Louis had managed to give the boy was his blue eyes.

Louis placed both boy's filled plates onto the small table, along with their glass of orange juice. He thought, if they could they would eat bacon everyday for the rest of their lives. Louis tried to stop buying it in the mornings because it was a bad habit but they wouldn't have it and Louis definitely couldn't take the frowns in the early morning.

When they returned, both boys sat down at the table and practically inhaled their foods.

Louis laughed and sipped his orange juice. "That good?"

"Dad, it's bacon. Of course its good." Nolan declared with his mouth full.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Actually before I forget we all need to talk about this new vocabulary thats been used." Louis watched Nolan stopped his fork midair, his eyes widening. "Nolan?" He asked, expectantly.

Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now