Chapter 13: Confessions (Part One)

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"Ms. Sato. Someone is outside looking for you." One of her employees said. She raised an eyebrow before she answered.

"Who is it? I don't remember any visit from our clients today." The heiress said.

"Uhm. I don't think she's our client Ms. Sato. She's a Water tribe citizen."

Asami's eyes widened. She really knew who it was. The girl she liked the most. The girl she always dreamt about. Her heart skipped a beat. She can't control her excitement that Korra was looking for her. Why does she want to talk to her? Asami wore her wide smile.

"O-Okay. Tell her I'll be going down there in Five Minutes." The employee bowed down to her and shut the door.


We were just sitting here at the ground floor of Future Industries Tower waiting for Asami. My one and only. The employee said that Asami would be here in Five more minutes. I was caressing Naga's head when I heard a sweet voice. The voice I wanted to hear everyday.

"Korra?" I turned around and saw a beautiful goddess smiling at me. My jaw dropped to the goddamn floor. Oh my. Why is she so beautiful in my eyes? I asked myself.

"H-Hi Asami. I figured out that we can talk today?" The avatar asked nervously.

"Of course. About what?" Asami said still smiling.

"It's .. uhm. Sort of a private thing." Then Korra caressed her nape. Asami's smile was beginning to fade from her face. Her expression turned Serious.

"Okay Korra. Actually, I have something to tell you too. Come on." The heiress said as she grabbed Korra out of the building.

"Get in the car." The heiress said as they reached her Satomobile.

"A-Asami. Where are we going?" Korra said nervously. The heiress noticed the fear in Korra's eyes. She can see it in her face. The heiress sighed. She walked towards the Waterbender and touched her right cheek. Korra gasped because of shock.

"Korra. Don't be afraid. We're going somewhere private. Only the two of us." Then she smiled. Asami used her sweetest voice. Korra's expression calmed. Then she smiled back to the heiress.


The heiress took her somewhere she's not very familiar of. It seems like it's located at the other side of the City where only a few people are around them. Sometimes no one was around.

Asami turned off the engine. They went out of the Satomobile and leaned in front of it. Neither of them tried to talk first. But after a few minutes of awkward silence, Asami finally broke it.

"So.. what now?" She asked. Korra just stared at her and their eyes met. They both blushed and looked away. Great, another awkward silence. She thought.

"M-Maybe you should go first. What do you want to talk about?" Asami said. The avatar released a deep sigh before she begin to talk.

"Actually. I-I don't know if I c-can tell you this." Korra was caressing the back of her neck. She can't even look Asami in the eyes. The heiress noticed that she's nervous. Asami reached Korra's hand. The avatar looked at her and blushed.

"Come on Korra. Spill it. Don't be nervous." Then she smiled.

"Asami.. I t-think.. I think I L-Liked you. In a r-romantic way." After she said that, the avatar covered her face with her hands and bowed down. She can feel her heart is beating fast. As if it can burst out anytime.


Hahahaha sorry for the cliffhanger. The next chapter will be the part two. What do you guys think of Asami's reaction? Please comment and vote. ;))

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